Chapter 8 (Missed me?)

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I can hear the sound of bell ringing indicating that the history period is over.

Ever so slowly I turned the door knob making sure not to make a single noise, after that I peeked out from the door, to make sure that there was no rude person walking around.

The hallway is almost empty with just three to five students.
I finally came out.

"What was that?" The sudden voice startled me but seeing the person I breathed out in relief.

"Ghosts are better than you Maliha! Why do you always have to come out of nowhere" I exclaimed while placing my hand on my chest dramatically.

The corner of her lips twitched in an smirk.

"My behaviour is still acceptable darling but what about yours?" Her tone is playful.

"What? What did I do?" I asked as I walked towards the classroom.

"Earlier in class. When you introduced yourself. You were acting silly Farah. I was hardly controlling myself to burst out in laughter" I can bet that my cheeks would be red by now because of embarrassment.

You are so stupid Farah.

I started walking a little fast to walk ahead of Maliha.

Oh God I am so embarrassed right now.

"Well why you did that?" She screamed from behind and I just pretended like I didn't hear her.

I can hear her screaming my name from behind and I just walk faster.

Finally reaching my destination I was about to enter the class when someone came out of it.

And as I said I have the worst fate ever. That person has to be Mr. Haider.

"You" he said almost immediately looking at me.

"Mr. Haider, you are still here?" I heard Maliha who was behind me a second ago and now she is standing beside me.

My rescuer.

Maybe my fate is not that bad.

"Yes, I was introducing myself to class" He replied and in between I saw him glancing at me.

"Does your university have any teacher who teaches discipline to students?" His question was from Maliha but I know it was directed towards me that made my insides boil in anger.

What does he think of himself?

"It seems like you don't like our behaviour Sir" Maliha replied innocently not knowing why he was saying that.

"No it is not like that. I was talking about a specific someone" He said but this time his eyes were fixed on me that made me look down immediately.

His eyes......I can't stand them.

That brown shade that his eyes held are so identical to the man I fear the most.

"Who can misbehave with a sweet man like you sir? I can tell he or she must be so ill mannered" Her statement made me look at her with the speed of light and then my eyes went to him who was smirking at me.

"Lets go Maliha" I slowly said to her but it seems like he heard me.

"Oh yes, go on, and attend your classes. See you tomorrow Maliha and..........Farah" He said and left while I looked at him dumbfounded.

How did he know that it was me ?

I was wearing the damn mask then how??

Am I stupid? My clothes didn't changed? Did they? It is simple for anyone to guess.

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