Chapter 7 [ ill Mannered ]

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The next morning I woke up by the sunrays that are entering my room.

I slowly opened my eyes and a genuine smile made way on my lips as after so many days I slept so peacefully and I am fully refreshed. I looked at the clock which is striking at sharp 7 o'clock.

I got up and went into the washroom to freshen up. After that, I made my way downstairs to join the others for breakfast. I entered the dining area and the moment my eyes landed on my mother, all the memories of yesterday came back.

Her mean tone.

Her raised voice.

The shouting.

The allegations.


I felt a pang in my chest but nevertheless, I silently sat down on my chair muttering a small Salam to everyone.

"Walaikumas salam" I heard Zulfi's voice.

I was applying jam on toast when I heard my mother clearing her throat that made my grip on the knife tighter as I know that she is going to say something that will be directed towards me.

"Farah, after breakfast, come to my room. I have something to talk about with you"

I hardly uttered an "okay" to her and after that everybody just silently had their breakfasts.

I am stunned that my father hasn't said a word to me till now.

Is he upset with me ?

Soon the breakfast ends and my father and Zulfi went in their respective rooms to get ready for the day. While I forced my legs to move towards my mother's room.

Reaching in front of her door. I knocked lightly earning a small "come in" from the other side.

I slightly opened the door and went in.
"Sit down Farah" she said and I quietly obeyed her. Sitting beside her I was waiting for her to speak.

She took my hands in her and slightly pressed it while her eyes got a little teary.

"I am Sorry my daughter for yelling at you. I know I am not a good mother, but please don't hate me Farah. I was worried for you and I felt hurt knowing my daughter is going through the Trauma all on her own and telling us that she is perfectly fine. I was hurt that you do not share things with me and prefer your diary over me. But I know that you must have your own reasons. And I know that I don't have any right to snatch away your only source of comfort from you. I am so sorry for what I did and for what i said. Can you forgive me this time Farah?"

Tears welled up in my eyes at her words. It is true that I love her so much although I know that this apology will not last for very long.

But I hate seeing anyone crying for me specially my mother. So I hugged her and let my tears flow in her warm embrace.

"It is okay Ammi. I was not upset with you at all. I was just hurt. I forgive you Ammi" I said sniffing in between.

"Farah you know that you can share anything with me right?" I got out of her embrace and looked at her.

"Ammi, I am getting late for university, we will talk some other time" I said smiling a little and got up.

"Do you still think that......." She stopped in between her sentence and I can sense that she is contemplating whether to complete the sentence or not.

"Allah hafiz Ammi. Take care" I said rushed out of the room. I don't have any courage to listen whatever she have to say. But I felt as if she was going to say something that would be hard for me to answer.

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