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September 2nd, 1940


Mornings. Ugh. I hate the process of waking up and getting ready for the day. I love breakfast, though. 

Dierdre and I walk to the dining hall where the class schedules are being passed out. After we receive our schedules, we compare them. Unfortunately, however, we don't have any of the same classes together this year. Tragedy.

As Professor Dippet is announcing how the school year will be going, he brings up Quidditch tryouts. I've always wanted to play Quidditch. Ever since my dad told me about him playing as a seeker for his team, I've wanted to be a seeker, too. Thank goodness tryouts are next week. I will definitely be trying.

Dierdre notices the hopeful look on my face as I'm thinking about trying out for the team, and she points it out.

"Uhm, y/n, what are you thinking about?" She asks. Before I have a chance to answer, she gasps. "Please tell me you're thinking about a boy!" She exclaims, a little too loud. Some people at our Slytherin table turn to look at us, including Tom, but I quickly shut her down.

"Absolutely not! I'm thinking about the Quidditch team. I'm going to tryout to be our seeker!" I reply. Though, I think my rebuttal may not have the effect it should, seeing as how my cheeks feel a little hot from the embarrassment.

She smiles like the cheeky little girl she is. "Sure, y/n. Whatever helps you sleep at night."

I roll my eyes and continue listening to Professor Dippet until he's done with his speech and breakfast is over.

On my way to my first class of the day, Transfiguration with Professor Dumbledore, I stop when I notice Myrtle shaking while walking out of the bathroom. Out of concern for my friend, I ignore my schedule for a moment to catch up to her.

"Myrtle! Wait!" I call. She pauses and turns around with a wary and distraught look on her face.

"Oh. Hello, y/n," she mumbles out.

"Hey, is everything okay?" I ask, putting a hand on her shoulder. She flinches when I place it, however, so I remove it so she doesn't feel uncomfortable.

She nods and continues walking. Well, if she doesn't want to talk about it yet, she doesn't have to. I'll just wait until she's ready.

I turn around and decide to go back to class before I end up late. I don't think Professor Dumbledore would mind very much, though. But I'd really rather not show up late to my first class of the year. That wouldn't paint me as a very responsible student and certainly wouldn't make a good first impression. Call me a nerd all you want, but I'd rather not risk being on a witch or wizard's bad side.

I walk into class as soon as it starts. I made it just in time.

"Well, hello, Ms. McGonagall," Professor Dumbledore greets.

I smile at him. "Good morning, Professor," I respond before taking a seat.

I decide to sit beside someone new, which is almost everyone in here. I really didn't meet many new people last year. Huh. I should really work on that. I find someone from a Hufflepuff that looks very interesting. Not in appearance. No, they look fine. They just look like a very curious creature. I want to know more about that, so I sit beside them just as Professor Dumbledore begins his introduction.

"Good morning, everyone. My name is Professor Albus Dumbledore. Welcome to Transfiguration! Does anyone have any idea what that is?..."

I eventually start to tune him out, not because he's boring, just because I have other things on my mind, like meeting this new person.

I look over to them and gently nudge their shoulder. They turn to look at me with a curious expression on their face.

"Hi," I whisper with a smile.

"Uh, hello," they whisper back.

"My name's y/n McGonagall. What's yours?"

"Oh, I'm Mattheo Mitchell."

"Hello, Mattheo Mitchell." I hold my hand out for him to shake, which he, surprisingly enthusiastically, takes.

"Hello, y/n McGonagall."

☆☆ Time - Skip ☆☆

After class, Mattheo and I walk out laughing at a joke that he cracked 20 minutes ago that we're still not over. Unfortunately, we have to split, though, because after our Transfiguration class, we don't have any more classes together. 

During the 15 minute break between classes, I try to find Dierdre, but instead, Tom finds me, and he doesn't look happy.

"Uh, hey, Tom. What's the matter?" I ask.

"You. You're the matter," he huffs, as if I actually know what I did. Which I don't, because I didn't do anything.

"Oh. Well. Sorry?" I shrug.

He rolls his eyes. "Who was that guy you were laughing with?" 

"Huh?" I squint my eyes in confusion, trying to think of what he's talking about.

"Oh my God, y/n, the boy you were laughing with when you were coming out of Transfigurations class." He says this to me as if I'm stupid, but I let it slide for now since he looks stressed out.

"Oh, that was just Mattheo. I met him today, actually. He's really funny! I think we're going to become good friends." I smile fondly as I'm talking about him.

"Yeah, so, about that." He pauses. "Don't ever speak to him again."


I'm backkkkkk! Ya miss me? Yeah, I'm sorry, y'all, I'm really bad at keeping a schedule with writing and that is completely my fault. But! I did get a lot of inspiration to write today, so, yay me! Right? I hope you enjoyed the story so far and that you keep reading. And if you're waiting on an update for this story, why not read All Mine by @echtelizaity in the meantime? And if you get done with that one, why not read Buckets of Blood by @ashandelizaity ? Have a good day!

Word count: 991

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