
237 6 0

Septemver 1st, 1939


I walk with the other Slytherin's to the common room. When I make my way to my room, I see another girl already there in one of the beds. The girl that I'm assuming is now my roommate. I notice the side of the room she is on is already filled with organized items. She must be a fast walker, because it took me ages to make my way up here.

"Hello." I smile at her.

She pops her head up from behind the book she was reading and jumps up out of her bed, rushing over towards me. "Are you my roommate?" She asks.

I nod. "I could assume so. Are you Deirdre Shannon?"

"Yes, I am! So you're y/n McGonagall," she says as a statement more than a question, but I nod anyways. "We are going to be best friends. I just know it."

"Sorry if I'm being rude, but you don't seem much like a Slytherin," I point out.

"Well, that is because I'm technically not. I was supposed to be a Ravenclaw, but the Sorting Hat had said that I was a little too... now what was the word it said? Oh, right, um, gray."

I scrunch up my nose. "What's that even supposed to mean?"

"Damned if I know." She scoffs.

Deirdre seems way too kind and smart to be a Slytherin. Slytherin's are cunning, and commonly perceived as dangerous. This girl seems like everything but.

"Would you like me to help you unpack?" She points towards my things on the opposite side of the room.

"No, thank you. I think I got it. Go back to your book," I smile.

When I finish unpacking, the first thing I do is flop face down on the bed.

I hear a ruffling noise coming from Deirdre's side of the room, so I pick up my head to see what she's doing.

She looks over at me, smiles, puts a book mark in her book, and places it down on her bed. "I'm going to go shower. It's about time for bed." She walks away and enters the door connected to our room.

I turn my head the other way, facing the window. It is really dark. I should shower too, when she's done, I think to myself. Until I hear a loud crash coming from downstairs. Curious, I get up out of my bed and put on a pair of shorts and a t-shirt before walking downstairs and into the common room.

When I get down there, I notice two people in the room. Everyone else must already be either asleep or in their rooms. I observe the two people once more, until one of them starts to look familiar. Rude boy. He has his wand held up to the other boy's neck and is pinning him to the wall and whispering something into his ear.

I hide behind the column and watch, waiting for something bad to happen before I insert myself in the situation.

Still whispering things in his ear, rude boy flashes a wicked smirk and I watch as the colour drains from the other boys face and his eyes widen in fear.

Who is this boy and what in the bloody hell is he doing?!

Rude boy backs away from the other boy and lowers his wand.

"Now. Run away before I change my mind," Rude Boy says, a sinister look on his face.

The other boy darts towards the stairs. The ones I'm still on. Instead of moving, I just let the boy run past me. He didn't even notice I was there. What had happened?

I noticed Rude Boy swiftly turn and start walking to the stairs as well. The stairs. I'm. On. I turn and run up the stairs as quickly as I could before he caught me. I had managed to get all the way to my room with no incidents. By that time, Deirdre was already out the shower and on her bed, reading her book. She hadn't noticed I'd walked in.

I take my things and head towards the shower, Rude Boy never leaving my mind. Not even when I'm asleep.


I know this chapter is a little short, but I hope it was good anyways. If you liked it, please make sure to vote, and if you like my writing style, please follow. Love you ♡.

Word count: 738

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