
344 9 4

June 1st, 1939


"I got in!" I shout, running through the house, holding my Hogwarts letter in the air for my parents to see.

"Great job, honey!" Mum cheered, hugging me tight.

"We always knew you would get in. They would be crazy not to let you in!" Dad laughs, patting my back.

"I need to pack." I jump up in the air, excited.

"Calm down, honey," mum laughs. "School doesn't start for another month!"

"But I can't wait that long!" I pout.

My little sister, Minerva, comes up and pulls the letter out my hand.

"Mummy, what this?" She asks.

"It's y/n's letter. It means she gets to go to Hogwarts!" Mum replies.

"I want go Hogwarts," Minerva smiles.

I smile and go up to my room, pulling out outfits to pack.

☆☆ Time - Skip ☆☆

September 1st, 1939


I pack my bags as quick as I can, because I know the faster I pack, the faster I get to leave. And I can't wait to leave. Don't get me wrong, I love my family. My whole world revolves around them. It's just that their life doesn't only revolve around me and Minerva, it also revolves around work. They are always pressuring me to do my best, which is usually a good thing, but not when it happens during every interaction I have with them.

When I finish packing, I take my stuff downstairs to my parents in the sitting room.

"Aren't you excited to go to Hogwarts, y/n?" Mum asks.

"Of course I am! I'm so excited, I don't think you understand," I giggle.

"Oh, I think I do," mum chuckles. "Okay, so I've made a checklist to make sure you have everything. Would you mind if we go through it really quick before we leave?"

"Yeah, I don't mind," I smile.

It doesn't take too long to go through the checklist, only about five minutes, or so. After we're done checking for everything, mum, dad, Minerva, and I walk out the house and start walking towards the train station, since we don't live far from it. When we get to the train station, I ask mom what platform I need to be on.

"9 and 3/4," she replies.

My face contorts into one of confusion. "But, mum, there is no such thing."

She smiles. "Oh, but there is, dear." She takes my free hand and pulls me towards a brick column. "Here it is."

I start laughing. "You're kidding, aren't you? Come on mum, where actually is it?" I start looking around for a sign that says 9 3/4, but to no avail.

"y/n, you're standing right in front of it," she chuckles. "Here, back up from it, and take your trolley with you."

I pull back from the brick column that mum claims is platform 9 and 3/4, with my trolley sitting in front of me.

"Okay, good," mum starts. "Now, take your trolley and run towards the column. But first," she runs up to me and hugs me, kissing my forehead. "I love you, sweetheart."

"I love you too, mum." I smile.

Mum backs away from me, wiping a single tear from the corner of her eye. "Now run into the column. And don't worry. Me, your father, and Minerva will be right here with you."

I smile, take a deep breath, and then starting running towards the column.

Before I knew it, I was no longer in the train station, but in front of a huge train the says Hogwarts Express on the front of it, and a sign saying 9 3/4 on it above my head. I did. I've made it. The problem I'm having now, is I don't know where to go.

As though he read my mind, an abnormally tall boy around my age with a round face a thick curly hair hobbles up next to me. "Do you not know where to go, either?" He asks.

"No, I don't." I smile, shyly. I never do well around people I'm not familiar with.

He smiles. "My name is Rubeus. Rubeus Hagrid."

"Hello, Rubeus." I hold my head out for him to shake, and he does with a firm grip. "My name is y/n McGonagall."

"You're a McGonagall?" He asks with wonder.

"Yes!" I smile.

"Wow. You're mum is really cool." He smiles. "Her knowledge of mythical creatures is really admiring. I want to be like her."

"Yeah, she's awesome." I miss my family already. I wish they could just come with me. It's okay, though, I just have to wait until Christmastime to see them again. That's only about four months away. I can do this.

"How's about this," Rubeus starts. "We can find out where we're supposed to go together?"

"That would be great. It will be nice to have a friend with me on my first day."

I watch as Rubeus' eyes widen. "We're... friends?"

"We are now, silly!" I giggle and playfully hit his arm.

He smiles a smile so bright, it almost hurts my eyes.

"I've never had a friend before!" He laughs, happily.

"Well, you do now! Now let's go!" I grab his hand and we race to the train, looking for an adult, or an older student to help us find our way. I end up bumping into a tall boy with curly brown hair and dark eyes. "I'm sorry. Me and my friend, here, are lost. Could you help us find our way to a seat on the train?"

The boy before me looks between me and Rubeus, scoffs, and just walks away, getting on the train.

"Well, that was rude. We should follow him," Rubeus suggests.

"I agree."

We follow the rude boy's footsteps onto the train and find an empty room to sit in. When we do and get settled, a little girl who looks our age with long, brown pigtails and glasses walks to our room and asks, "W-Would you mind if I sat with you two? There's nowhere else..."

"Of course! Have a seat next to me." I scoot over on the seat and pat the spot next to me, allowing her to sit down. "What's your name?"

"My n-name is Myrtle Warren." She smiles and places the two books she was holding in her lap.

"Hello, Myrtle! My name is y/n McGonagall, and this is Rubeus Hagrid," I gesture towards Rubeus.

She waves, timidly at Rubeus.

"I can tell already that us three our going to be best friends," we smile.


Hope you enjoyed the first chapter! If you enjoyed this so far, please vote for the chapter. More books like this are to come, so if you like this one, you'll like the others, so why don't you give me a follow? Also, please let me know what you thought about the chapter and what I could do better in upcoming chapters. Love you!

Word count: 1158

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