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December 22nd, 1939


Tom practically chokes on his food and I freeze.

"Yes, I guess I don't really need to know. Sorry," Blythe gives us both an apologetic smile and I can tell it's taking everything in his power for Russel to not die laughing.

I almost start laughing myself once Tom finally recovers himself and stands up.

"I-I'm full. May I be excused?" He stutters out.

"Yes, you may," Russel nods.

I finish my food before standing and asking the same question.

"Of course, dear," Blythe smiles.

I walk away from the table and go to the kitchen with my dishes in hand. I thoroughly, but efficiently wash my dishes and the one tom left in the sink before setting them on the drying rack.

I decide to step outside for a little bit, just for some fresh air. The moment I step outside, I take a deep breath, filling my lungs with petrichor. I've always loved the smell of rain. I find a pretty stone bench and sit down on it, smelling the rain and listening to it pattering on the roof of the cottage-like house.

I completely zone out, just feeling, smelling, and hearing only the things that are important to me in this moment. It's peaceful. But I should've known this peace wouldn't last long. I get taken out of my trance by a hand waving in front of my face. Tom.

"y/n, what the hell are you doing out here? You're going to catch a cold if you're not careful."

"Awe, you care about me?" I tease, laughing.

He lets out a frustrated sigh. "Not really. You getting sick and not being able to conversate with my aunt and uncle would just defeat the whole purpose of you being here."

For some reason, I deflate, his words hurting me a little more than they should. I don't even know why though, I know he doesn't care about me, I was only joking. So why does it hurt?

I stand up, going back inside with him. Once we get to the guest room, my room, we part ways, me going inside and Tom going down the hall to his room. I grab my pajamas and go into the bathroom to shower.

The rest of the week goes by painfully slow. The only fun part about it was playing Camelot with Russel. Since Camelot is a board game for two people, we got two of them, one for me and Russel and one for Tom and Blythe. I genuinely like them, they're good people. I don't know what the hell happened to Tom.


December 29th, 1939


Once the week is over, I pack my bags and walk into the den.

"Oh, honey, it's so sad you're leaving," Blythe says, a sad tone evident in her voice.

"We hope to see you again soon," Russel says.

"Aw, I'm going to miss you too. I'll definitely see you over the summer." I smile.

I walk 5 minutes to the bus stop and wait for a little while before the bus comes.

Once I get home, I hurriedly get inside. "Mum, Dad! I'm home!"

I immediately hear the pattering of their footsteps rushing downstairs.

"Oh my goodness, darling, I've missed you so much!" My mum says, both my mum and dad hugging me tightly.

Nothing special happens over the last two weeks of Christmas break. Honestly, this whole break has just been pretty boring. All we did at home was talk about Hogwarts and Deirdre. They'll never know about Tom. I don't want to have to explain that monstrosity.

Now, it's time to go back to Hogwarts until summer.


Another short chapter. I'm so sorry guys, this was mostly just a filler chapter with a little bit of romance at the beginning. I really just needed some fuel to get to the next chapter. Anyways, I hope you have a good day/evening/night. I love you!

Word count: 663

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