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September 2nd, 1939

The next morning, I wake up with a start. Deirdre is hovering over my bed, smiling like a creep.

"What the hell, Deirdre?! I almost pissed myself." I sit up, a little salty with her. I never react well to people waking me up. It scares me every time.

She laughs. "My apologies. Anyways, get dressed. It's time for breakfast!"

"What time is it?" I ask, getting out of bed and pulling my robes over my head.

"About five in the morning."

I pause in the middle of putting my shoes on. "You're kidding, right?"

"I know, I meant to wake up sooner to go on my morning run, but alas, I didn't," she pouted.

I roll my eyes, take my shoes and robes back off and get back in the bed. "Wake me up in an hour," I grumble.

And she did.

Exactly one hour later, I feel a gentle hand shaking my shoulder. "It's been an hour," Deirdre sings.

I sigh and pull myself out of bed, getting re-dressed and putting my shoes back on.

We walk downstairs and into the Great Hall. However, as soon as I sit down, someone grabs my arm and yanks me up.

"Hey, what was that for?" I pull my arm back and look up at the person who grabbed me. Rude Boy. My face flushes.

"Come with me," he snarls.

Without another word, I follow him into an empty, abandoned classroom. Why? I don't know.

"What all did you hear last night?" He asks.

"I don't know what you're talking about." I put my hands on my hips in defiance, hoping he doesn't see through my lies.

"Bullshit. Now answer my question." Shit.

"Fine. All I heard was you telling the other boy to run away before you changed your mind. That is all I heard," I answered, honestly. Why? I don't know the answer to that either.

He gets closer so that he's only a couple inches in front of me. Still, I stand tall.

"You will never, and I mean ever, tell anyone about anything you saw or heard last night. Do you understand me?"

I raise my eyebrows. "Why should I listen to you."

He brings his wand out, pushes me against the wall and pushes it against my neck.

"Because if you don't, I know all the perfect ways to end you," he whispers in my ear.

"You won't," I dare. He will, my inner self tells me, but I internally tell it to shut up.

"Oh, but I would. Don't test me, McGonagall." He swiftly (and dramatically) turns around and leaves the classroom, leaving me by myself.

Instead of leaving right away, I take a minute to vent to myself since no one else is around.

"Who in the bloody hell does he think he is? Bossing me around like that. I should show him a lesson. Maybe... uh... maybe... Oh! Threaten him! No, wait, that's too mean... Yell at him? No, I'd feel bad... I got it. I'll write him a passive aggressive note! But I can't just hand it to him personally, I'll get scared. I'll slip it under his door! I can't go into the boys' dorms..." I walk around in circles arguing with myself for what seems like ages until I hear the door creak open.

"What in the world are you doing?" Deirdre.

"Stupid Rude Boy and his rude attitude and his rude speaking and his rude threatening and-" She cuts me off.

"Okay, I get it. Calm down. Who's Rude Boy?"

"The boy that grabbed me and brought me in hear!"

"Oh," Deirdre starts. "Are you talking about Tom Riddle?"

"Probably, I don't know! That's why I call him Rude Boy."

"Okay, so, break it down for me. What happened?"

And then I tell her everything. From what happened before I got on the train, to what happened in the common room, from what happened here, in the abandoned classroom. Then I tell her about my plan to get back at him.

"Geez, he's the worst." She sighs.

"Seriously. He has some real issues," I agree.

She laughs. "Okay, so I have an idea on how to execute your plan."

I straighten up. "What is it?"

"You write the letter and give it to me, and then I'll give it to him. I'll be damned if I'm scared of giving a boy a letter."

"And that's why you're in Slytherin," I laugh.

She smiles deviously.

A few hours later and I'm walking into the first class of the day. Charms. It's really boring because it's easy. Not much to think about and no friends to talk to. Therefore, I get to work on the letter for Deirdre to give to Tom.

Then, there's the second class of the day. Herbology. Fortunately, I have Deirdre in this class. Unfortunately, Tom is here too. However, this means I can give the letter to Deirdre to give to Tom, finally. It only took half of my Charms class to write.

Dear Tom,

You are a slithering, slimy, stupid idiot. What you did is unforgivable and I will make sure you never forget about what you did to me or that other boy. And if you threaten me again, you better hope I don't go to the headmaster and tell him all that I've seen. But what good is hope going to get you? Nothing. There will be no point. Because I will make sure you are thoroughly reprimanded to the point where you don't know what to do. That is just how cross I am with you.

Sincerely, y/n McGonagall

I read my letter over once more before I hand it over to Deirdre with a sly smile planted on my lips. I'm hardly ever this rude. I almost feel bad for saying such things. Almost.


I hoped you liked this chapter. Love you. Have a great day/evening/night.

Word count: 995

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