
136 6 4

September 10th, 1939


My eyes widen with surprise. "You're joking, right? I mean, why me? What did I do?"

Tom smirks. "That's the thing. it's not what you did."

"Then what is it, Riddle? I swear, do not play with me right now."

"It's what your mother did to theirs."

"What in the world are you talking about?"

"Well, I went snooping. Followed them around for a bit. Apparently, your father was their mother's first love before your mother came around. This person's mother wants them to kill you for, and I quote, 'stripping away their happiness.'"

"Okay, that's wild, but understandable, I guess? I don't know." I sit down on the table behind me trying to make sense of the whole thing. "And why me instead of my mother?"

"It's payback. Your mother took what she loved, so she's taking what your mother loves."

"Okay, that makes sense, though. But why are you concerned with this? I thought you hated me. I thought if anyone would want me dead, it would be you."

"Normally it would be. However, I feel like this could be like some sort of alliance." he smirks.

"An alliance?" I throw myself into a fit of laughter. "What would you have to gain from this?"

"Hear me out. I help you, you help me. Simple."

I squint my eyes, cautious. "And what would you need my help with?"

His face drops. "If I tell you, you cannot tell anyone, not even your little friend. Got it?"

I think it over for a moment, reading his expression. Serious, maybe a little scared? No, that doesn't make sense. Tom Riddle doesn't get scared. "Got it."

"You pretend to be my girlfriend."

I almost fall off the table. "What?! And why would I need to do that?"

"For my aunt and uncle. I live with them and they believe I have a girlfriend. And I kind of need to have a girlfriend to achieve my plans. So, you can be my fake girlfriend until I find a real one."

"Tell me, Tom Riddle, what are your plans?" I lean forward, interested.

"I... I can't tell you. That's the one thing I can't tell you." I notice the look of fear flash through his expression again, and I hope I'm seeing things wrong. If Tom Riddle is scared, then the whole world should be quivering.

"Huh. Okay. Fine. I be your fake girlfriend, you help keep me safe." I put my hand out for him to shake. "Deal?"

He looks at my hand with mild disgust before shaking it. "Deal."

We walk back to the Great Hall together and I sit with Deirdre for the remaining five minutes of breakfast. She dosn't ask what happened and I don't tell her. She doesn't need to know, and I feel like she knows that.


Another pretty short chapter. I didn't really know how to continue this one, ya know? I know that Tom is the only remaining Riddle, but just hear me out, alright? Pretend he has an aunt on his mother's side who is married and he lives with them. It's better for the plot, just trust me. You'll understand with due time. Anyways, hope you enjoyed! Have a good day/night/evening and I love you!

Word count: 550

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