13|* Feelings

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After everything that I had encountered this morning I figured out that I had feelings for Ethan. I like Ethan, this is not good at all. I decided to leave the bathroom before they get suspicious.

"Hey, bay what was that move you performed out there". Naih curiously asked.

"It's nothing, I'm fine".

"Oh really bay you are fine but your face doesn't look fine".

"Naih, pls not now". Naih suddenly draws me back to where she was. I don't get what's wrong with people can't they just let you be even when you are not in the mood.

"Bay, I am still talking to you".

"Pls Naih just let me be".

"Bay, what's your fucking problem, first you were happy and now you are like a sick bitch".

"Ok now, the fact that you are my best friend doesn't give you the right to call me a bitch".

"Bay, that is how you are acting like right now. Pls just tell me what is wrong with you".

"Look, I don't have anything to say to you ok, so let's go to class"

"Bay, come back here now".

"I don't have time for you". I turned around and walked straight to class before I could here Naih yelling at me.

"Is it because of Ethan".

"What do you mean".

"Bay, I know it is because of him you are acting strange".

"Just shut up and get to class".

"You like him bay, admit it".

"Admit what".

"That you fucking like like like Ethan Porsche ".

"What how... did you.....".

"Oh I know every fucking thing about you. You can't hide anything from me ".

"Well, suit yourself ". I said as I quickly walked out only to bump into a smooth hard body and guess who Ethan, I really don't want to see him right now or I might freak out and tell him how I feel.

"Hey, bay what's wrong with you ".

I looked at his eyes and all I could see was worries. He was worried about me but I just wanted to get out of this mess.

"Excuse me Ethan ". I said as I walked passed him to the class.


Ethan's POV

I looked at Bayley and back to Naih who was actually filled with anger.

"Hey, Naih what the heck is wrong with Bayley ".

"I don't know she is acting weird".

I could sense that Naih was actually lying to my face.

"Naih, are you lying to me ".

"You know what, why don't you talk to her she will definitely tell you about it ".

I tried to talk to Naih only for drake and Eva waving me to get my butt to class. As I entered I suddenly saw Bayley seating beside an empty chair which I quickly sat on before any other person could sit on it. I suddenly turned to face her and to be honest she is fucking beautiful and if I had the chance I would have fucked her but no I won't do that.

My Life With Ethan And His SiblingsOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora