7|* Friends for now

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R/N: Guys, I know u all have been dying to know what will happen to Ethan and Bayley's friendship, but no worries cause u all are going to see more spicy things in their friendship journey.okk😋😊, I am tired of talking sooo just find out yourself.


I had just realized that Ethan and I had become friends but I wasn't sure of it yet cause I don't seem to trust Ethan due to his crazy personality but I will just play cool. I keep pacing up and down the living room thinking of how I would believe Ethan when I suddenly felt a little tiny hands touching mine, I turned around to see a beautiful Lisa staring at me with those angelic blue eyes of hers.

"Hey pretty", I smiled as I carried her up to my shoulders.

"Hey Bayley". She giggled as she played with my hair. "What's wrong, are you ok". She asked with her angelic voice. I swear that voice was pulling me off the hook.

"Yah, sure I'm good and how was school". I asked her as I carassed her cheeks with my thumb.

"It was good". She smiled.

I turned around to glare at maliya and Noah and was about to ask them something when the devil himself appeared. As soon as I saw him I remembered everything that happened in the kitchen counter and I hide my face so as not to blush.

"Hey there fellows". He said as he winks at me. I swear I was going to stab him if he continued that wink.

"Hey ethy". Noah and maliya said.

"Ethy". Lisa shouted as she ran to hug him. "I missed you soo much".

"My princess, I missed you more baby". He pecked her forehead before giving me a stare which made me wince. The fact that he was somehow flirting with his little sister made me groan in frustration.

"Ethy, can you take me up to my room and give me a shower". She pleaded. What the heck she's 10 and she wants him to give her a shower.

Ethan's eyes widened as he looks at Lisa. "Baby, I can't give you a shower. You are a big girl and can take a shower by yourself". He smiled

"But I want you to". She pout

"Princess, why don't you ask maliya or better still Bayley". He softly said

"Fine, Bayley can u give me a shower, pls". She pleaded.

Of course I dare not say no. "Sure, let go upstairs and shower so that you can sleep early". I smiled.

"Don't take time in there or else I might change my mind and come up there" He smirked letting out a little dimple.

"You dare not if you don't want to be kicked out like last time". I mumbled as I passed by him. Suddenly he pulled me back and whispered to me.

"Don't test me baby, cause you won't like what I will do to you next time and I meant it I won't hold back". He chuckled before letting go of my hand. I could feel a shiver going down my spine as my face became red.

Ethan what are you doing to mee.

I went upstairs and gave Lisa a shower and wore her a beautiful pajamas that had this Mickey mouse figure, I dried her hair and curled it to become a beautiful ponytail style. Just as I laid her down the bed and was about to leave, she held my fingers.

"Bayley". She said quietly.

"Hmmm, baby girl". I turned to look at her.

"Can I ask you for a favour". She begged.

"What is it". I asked

"Pls be patient with my brother, he can be a jerk at times but he has a sweet side of him. So be nice to him even if he is rude to you. He just has a problem with trusting people easily after what happened to papa". Her fingers squeezed mine, this time more tighter.

"Ok sweetheart I will, but what happened to your dad". I asked.

"No...thing". She stammered.

"Hey, girl it's ok if you don't want to talk about it. You can tell me when you feel like ok". I kissed her forehead and pulled away before I shut the door and went to my room to take a quick shower before going to bed.

The Next morning, I woke up with my hair messy and half of my face dead while the other barely alive. I couldn't sleep well cause of the loud noise coming from Noah and Ethan rooms as usual. I went downstairs and went towards the kitchen only to find a hot sexy and shirtless Ethan making breakfast with an apron tied around his waist. My jaw dropped as my eyes couldn't help but scan his biceps which were Oh God so attractive, his tattoos which were designed with his name and that of Lisa made it even more appealing. I stood there like a statue as Ethan eyes met mine.

"You haven't seen a sexy body like mine before". He smirked.

I swear I felt like killing this boy anytime he uses his British accent to talk to me cause it's killing me. "Shove off". I rolled my eyes as I walked towards the counter. My body began to heat up as I could see his body up close while bitting my bottom lips.

"Fuck baby, stop staring at me like that, you are making me turn on and trust me you wouldn't like to see me turned on cause I can be more dangerous than you think I am". He glanced at me.

"Oh please Ethan, how can you turn on when we are just friends". I hit his chest making me feel his bare body. I can't believe I just did that, what was I thinking.

Ethan looked down at my hands which were on his chest "Baby, I can see you seem to be turning on too. I like that". He said as his eyes are still on my hands.

I pulled my hands off and hide my red face from him. The way he called me baby was sending electric spark all over my body. " Stop calling me baby". I yelled.

"Why, huh". He looked at me.

"Cause we are friends not couples". I warned him.

"For now". He laughed.

"What do you mean for now". I stared at him.

"Bab... Sorry baby girl, you should know me by now. I don't befriend girls, it's either I fall for them which will never happen or I flirt with them and dump the fuck out of them. Period". He grins

"You are crazy so you are planning to flirt with me and then dump me, wow". I laughed.

"It's your decision baby, you fall into my trap or you don't but I wouldn't think of dating you let alone flirting with you". He chuckled

"Why". I let that word escape from my mouth.

"Cause girl, you ain't my type". He laughed as he walks past me to wake the others.

"Asshole". I yelled.

"Fuck u bitch". He yelled back.

"Ethan, I swear I will kill you". I yelled.

"Try not to get killed first by the temptation of my sexy body". He laughed.

"Oh well I won't". I yelled.

"Ok girl, we shall see". He winks at me before slamming the door of Noah's room.

My Life With Ethan And His Siblingsजहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें