1|* Hate at first sight

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I woke up with a flash of sunlight directly shinning on my face. I really hate the morning light especially when it's on my face, I grumbled as I forcefully get up from my comfortable bed. Everywhere seemed blur as I went into my bathroom to brush my teeth, as usual messages kept popping up my phone and I decided to look at it. "Great Heavens" I shouted. I suddenly remembered that today is the day I was assigned to start my babysitting job at the Porsches family. I didn't want to do this but I had no choice. THIS SO FRUSTRATING.

I walked down and meet my dad making breakfast. He has been the one always making delicious breakfast for me since my mum passed away.

"Good morning sweetie"
Says Dad as he pecks my cheek.

" Good morning dad" I said.

"So how was night" Dad looked at me with a smile on his face.

" Of course my night was good except.... I said with a pause

"Except what" Dad asked with a curious face.

I laughed at his face because it reminded me of a funny movie I once watched.

Dad looked at me at a serious eyes
" Young lady, what are u laughing about".

" I am sorry dad, but I couldn't help looking at your face. I meant I woke up because I heard the smell of your delicious breakfast from my room".

"Ok Sweetie" Dad sighs. " That reminds me, today suppose to be your first day as a babysitter and you suppose to be on your way to the Porsches" .

"Eerm yah it..it is" I stammered.

"What's wrong, feeling nervous. Don't worry, you will get over it, trust me". Dad said with an encouraging face.

"Thanks dad, I have to be on my way and thanks for the breakfast". I said as I ran towards the door.

"Hold on young lady, I will drive u" Dad requested.

"Dad, really, don't bother yourself" I jokingly said.

"It's fine" Dad laughed.

"Ok as u say" I said while I went to the car. Dad locked the house door cause he has an appointment at the hospital today. He drove out of the car garage and drive straight to the Porsches houses which isn't that far as I expected it to be. We pulled into the driveway of the Porsches house and saw Mrs Porsche standing outside to welcome us. We stepped out of the car and I Got my suitcase out of the boot and walked towards Mrs Porsche.

"Oh My God, Bayley long time no see. You look so pretty. You have grown. I'm sure Ethan and the others will be excited to see you" . Mr Porsche said with excitement.

"Yah sure" I said slightly. I didn't think Ethan will be excited to see me because the last time we met he seemed like a proud arrogant bad boy and he doesn't really like girls of my class. So it is a no for him when he sees me.

"Come in" . Mr Porsche said with her hands opening the door.

"Ok". I said while walking in. My dad had already zoomed off cause he didn't want to be late for work. I stared at the beautifully furnished and well designed house. It looks so gorgeous. The living room alone can contain half of my house.

"The little ones are not around, they went for their music class but Ethan is
around..... Oh speaking of the devil, Ethan come say hi to the new babysitter.

Oh God, he is so hot like how can a person be this hot. Geez, Anyways he is Ethan and will always be Ethan.

"Mum, I'm not in the mood right now". Ethan said with a sassy look.

"Common, say hi to her" Mrs Porsche said

"Why the fuck did you bring another new babysitter". He said while looking at me with disgust.

"Young man, mind your language. She is pretty and capable of taking care of all of you". She said

"Pretty, Pretty my foot, mum stop bringing babysitter pls. [Smirks] I'm sure she is the same as the others". He said while running his hands through his hair.

"Excuse me, what did u say" I said as I lost my patience.

"Didn't you hear me or do I need to repeat myself". He said

"You are really crazy, talking like that in front of your mum. Wow" I said out of anger.

"Shut your fucking mouth up" He yelled.

"Ok that's enough, Ethan help Bayley carry her stuff to the guest room". She said.

"But mum" He yelled with a sad face.

"I am out of here" She said while she walked out of the door leaving both of us alone staring angrily at each other. It is from then, our hatred began.

"Ok pls can you help me" I said.

"Get the fuck off". He said as he went upstairs to his room.

"You can't carry an ordinary bag but you can manage ten girls at a time. Such a dog" I said with annoyance.

"Asshole" He said without even looking at me, he slams his door.

"Mind your language you tiny rat" I yelled and dragged my bag to the guest room.

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