"Oh?"Lord Jason was beginning to get impatient. "You do know that the crime you have committed is now piling up, right? Not only did you take my mate hostage, you broke into my territory to do so. Now I would think carefully before choosing my words if I were you. As you already know, have I a short fuse."

All three of them were dumbfounded. They remember entering a vampire's territory once while trying out a spell and that was where they found Nancy. If the elders find out they have Nancy they would be fucked and not even because they kidnapped a Luna. It would be because of how they got there. Melania and her sister only recently discovered an ancient spell that was forbidden a long time ago. It is the spell of portals. This spell opens a gateway to any place in the universe, physical or spiritual. Sure, it requires a lot of power but the three of them could pull it off just fine. However, this kind of dimensional magic was banned centuries ago even before the borders were put in place by the elders. The spell was known to cause a crack in the linen separating Hell and the heavens and it nearly caused a war between the gods and the supernaturals. Hence, the reason it was forbidden.

"Why don't you come with us? It's clear we have a lot to discuss." Melania gestures for their castle afar off.

"Very well," All the vampire troops following the lead of the witch sisters head to the castle and get settled in. Melania signals to Electra and Lyssa who head into their shrine and emerge from the shrine, each bearing a globe in her hand. One is handed to Melania and the other to Lord Jason.

"This is a crystal globe. It is going to confirm if everything said here is the truth or a lie. I hope you're familiar with it?" Melania says as she and her sisters get comfortable on a cushion across Lord Jason.

"I'm guessing whatever you have to say is going to be hard to believe. Let's get started, shall we?"

"A few weeks back my sister's and I discovered a spell forgotten to time and also forbidden to practice. This spell is called the spell of portals. We found our way into your territory and that was where we found Nancy. There was an instinctive urge to take her with us, so we did." The globe glowed white at the end of her speech and

"Let me get this straight. You came into my land my forbidden and dangerous magic and took what was mine because you felt like?" There was a tone of anger behind his calm voice. He still didn't want to admit his urge to save his mate and be with her.

"Not because we felt like it, because we had to. There is this thing common to ancient witches that has been lost to time. It's called the Guardians. My sisters and I are guardians to Nancy and we have every right to take her with us." The globe again glows white

"So, let's say you're a guardian witch, you came into my territory with the aid of a forbidden spell and took her. You can either give her back peacefully or let the elders get her back for me."

"We can't," Lyssa says and takes the globe from Melania. "A vampire Lord came in just a while ago and claimed her as his pet. He had all the legal documents and a plague of entrance but there was something strange about all of it."

"What do you mean he claimed her for himself?!" His anger was starting to show.

"She is his pet!"

"She is my mate!"

"Well, why don't you go ask him yourself?! It's clear you're not ready to listen to us," Electra yells, getting irritated by the vampire in front of her.
They all went quiet for a while, giving lord Jason a moment to calm down.

"You said there was something strange about all of it. What did you notice?"

"The elders didn't give us a prior notice." Melania took over the conversation.

"I should have come a day earlier." Lord Jason rubs his forehead in frustration and his brain turns wheels to know his first move.

"That won't have made much of a difference. Some witch that is supposed to be dead stole her soul and we still can't find it. Lord Titus only has her body."

"There is so much information to unpack right now. Just tell me everything. From when you got Nancy till when you lost her. Leave nothing out."

One hour later, Lord Jason is pacing the room, livid and agitated.

His mate's body was with some random vampire Lord.

Her soul was missing.

His trusted witch had stabbed him in the back.

"The witch you speak of, Athena, are you sure she's the one?" He asks, unwilling to believe Athena is capable of betrayal.

"Look, every ancient witch has a symbol unique to her. If Nancy's body was still here, I would be able to prove it to you. But little worry, we took care of it." Electra said with a look that made Lord Jason uncomfortable.

"What did you do?"

"What we had to," Melania said. "We summoned a demon to haunt her till she dies." Lord Jason shoots the sisters a murderous look. She might have betrayed him, but her punishment was his to decide.

"Oh, don't worry. He won't take her life. She would die a natural death."

"Send him back to hell. Athena is mine to deal with!"

"Not possible. Demons are easy to summon and nearly impossible to send back. It would take striking a deal with one of the seven princes of hell or Hades himself to get such a demon to return." Lyssa says.

"You should be on your way. Take us to your witch and we'll help you find her soul. Getting her body is up to you." Melania says with seriousness in her voice.

"Why can't you stay here and look for her soul?" Lord Jason was done trusting witches.

"If you don't want to take us with you, we can just come by ourselves." There was a long pause in the room

"What's in it for you?"

"Athena is a sworn enemy of ours. We have a score to settle. Besides that, it would be a lot easier tracing her if we were in the shrine Athena used."

"Let's move,"

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 12 ⏰

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