~Chapter 10~

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~Jason's POV~

(In Athena's cottage)

"Jason, I have news," Athena says as soon as we're all seated.

"So do I" I pause to recollect my thoughts.

"We found meaning to nymph Echo's words. Noah..."

"The other half, that's Lord Jason's mate." Noah continues, getting the message.

"'Don't make the same mistake twice' means..." He trails off. I thought for a second that he was going to rat me out.
A look of realization crosses Athena's face and she nods in understanding.

"What do you need?" She asks as she clears the table across from her.

"A locator spell." I place the strands of hair on the table and lean back on the chair.

"I'm going to need your blood," she hands me a pocket knife and I slit my palm with it.

She lays a map I hadn't noticed before on the table and grabs my wrist, placing it above the map. Droplets of my blood fall on the map and after a while, she lets go of my wrist.

She says a bunch of jumbled words and soon, the blood starts to trail across the map. After a while, it stops.

"Oh no!" She exclaims.

"What's wrong?"

"She's in the witches' territory. And not just any territory. It's the territory of the ancient witches. Three sisters, Electra, Lyssa, and Melania. They are the most ruthless witches you'll ever find."

"Well, that's where my mate is, so we're going there anyway."

"Um...we can't just go there. Remember two decades ago?" Noah says.

Two decades ago, there was a war between the vampires and the witches. To settle things, the boundaries to both realms were sealed by the twelve elders. Since then, in other to cross the border of the realms, the twelve elders must be summoned and would then decide if the reason for crossing the border is good enough.
If it is, a key would be given for a one-time visit.
If it isn't, well...
It takes two weeks to gather them together, so this isn't going to be as fast as I want it to be.

The thought of my little human mate being tortured or being used for some spell didn't seat right with me. So, if I wait two fucking weeks for the twelve elders and they deny me access, things aren't going to be funny.

"Judas, summon the elders as soon as we get back. Athena, what's your news?"

"My sisters and I did a truth spell as promised. Mneme said to find the ancient there and ask for the little one."

"The little one...Noah, let's head back. You and I would do research on the ancient three, whatever that is. And we'll also sketch out a plan B, just in case the twelve elders decline. Let's move out. Thank you, Athena."

Noah and I walk into the library. It's no longer the utter mess we left it as, but it's actually pretty clean.

"Start from the back, I'll start from the front. Find anything on the ancient ones and call the librarian if you need help." I walk to the first row of shelves and start going through books that look remotely relevant. The sound of Noah's footstep fades as he goes around back

This is going to be a long day...


Two hours later...

Two fucking hours later and we have nothing.

We've gone through every single book, every scroll, and everything in the library has been turned and searched.

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