~Chapter 18~

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~Witch's Territory~

~Third Person's POV~

It has been quite a day for the witches and just when they think they can settle down for a nice and relaxing evening and maybe even talk about the day's drama, an alarm goes off, indicating a strange presence on their premises. They let out a groan of frustration as they marched out of their castle and to the location of the strange presence. They had a crystal orb with them that directed them towards the place. As they got closer, they grew weary of whatever was intruding. This was not the way to any of the surrounding borders and realizing this placed them on high alert. 

"This cannot be good," Lyssa voices out.

"You don't say. There is only one place we are headed and if that were to be true, then..." Electra shook her head, unable to complete her statement.

"Let's hope it isn't what we think it is. " Lyssa adds quickly.

"Just in case it turns out to be as we fear, we need to prepare our minds for a serious fight," Melania says. Her voice is more calm than the other two witches.

"Just so we're clear, we all think it is Athena, right?" Lyssa asks.

"Who else would know about the tunnels more importantly, she just stole the soul of Nancy. She might be coming to collect the body." Electra responds with a bit of terror in her voice. They were the ancient three, but they couldn't deny that she was a formidable witch.

"She should also know that coming here is a death wish," Melania assures her sisters. The last thing that any of them wanted to do was to engage Athena.

The sound of rocks falling not so far away made them quicken their steps. They began chanting spells in preparation for a fight and Lyssa even began to collect roots and herbs along her way just in case they should need to conjure some demon to get rid of her like they had done the last time. 
They expected to get face to face with a furious-looking witch, but as soon as they took the last turn leading up to where the sounds came from, they were taken aback. 
Vampires. Lots and lots of vampires. Judging from the energy that was coming off of them they were powerful vampires. 

"Well, this is unexpected," Lyssa murmurs as the three catch their breath. 

"No shit," Melania responds between breaths.
They are quick to recover and go into protective mode. Melania takes threatening steps toward the group of vampires in front of them as she counts them mentally. They were outnumbered for sure but that didn't mean they would go down easily. They were in their territory after all and that gave them a huge advantage.

"Who are you and how dare you come into our territory without a plague?" Melania asks. Her voice was full of authority and confidence.

"I am Lord Jason and you would watch how you speak to me and my men." Lord Jason steps forward and stands right in front of Melania.  His words were laced with spite and anger. 

"Vampires and your short fuse. You have always been hot-tempered creatures, but I had no idea that you were this thoughtless as well. You break into my territory, vandalize my tunnels and do I need to remind you that your presence here is without the consent of the Elders?" Melania glares at him and he glares right back. 

"We are thoughtless? You are the ones who kidnapped my mate from my territory and brought her here. How do you think the elders would take the news? Kidnapping a Luna?" 
The three weren't sure of the mate he spoke of, but if he was right then they were royally fucked. 

"I have no idea who you speak of," Melania responds with a faltering voice as she tries to think of who the vampire is speaking of. Surely, it couldn't be Nancy, right?

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 12 ⏰

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