"Purebloods are the vampires that are turned by magic or through natural birth like humans. The thing is, they haven't had babies for years now. If a pureblood had a baby, the humans would declare a war on us. Vampires and humans have a treaty and they respect it." Angelina thoughtfully said. "Anyways, they are powerful and have unique abilities unlike us that have been turned because we were bitten. They don't have to adjust to the sun or have hunger attacks."

"Well, that's messed up. So how do we advance or what do we do to get from level one to level two?" I asked, the curiosity in me grew. If I'm going to be a vampire, I might as well be the best in it. "Relax, this isn't a video game. Every time we progress a tattoo-like mark grows in a part of our body until we have the 5 marks. The mark of strength, the mark of speed, the mark of bravery, the mark of power and the mark of the true vampire."

" Once you have all marks and you've approved all grades, you graduate.They're cool. I only have one. The mark of the strength." Angelina replied. I was trying to keep up, but Angelina didn't give me chance to organize all of this information.

"According to books I've read, pureblood vampires also have the marks, but they get them much easier.Lucky them!" Angelina said kicking the floor. I laughed at her childish act.

" Okay, so now that you have been updated let's go eat! We don't drink blood till we get the mark of bravery, our hunger doesn't go crazy, but meanwhile, we get that mark, we get little drops of blood in our food. But you won't notice it." My stomach jumped a little bit with the mention of drinking blood, it made me feel nauseous.

We arrived at the dining room and it was packed! I was starting to feel insecure about myself. These people were gorgeous. We got in line and sat at an empty table. I looked around and spotted a man with white hair and blue eyes, our eyes held contact for a second and then I turned to Angelina.

 I looked around and spotted a man with white hair and blue eyes, our eyes held contact for a second and then I turned to Angelina

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"Angelina, who's that man with white hair and blue eyes?" I asked."Shh, speak softer, everyone will hear you, remember we have super hearing. That's the Blue Dragon's Director Sepherus Echeverry!" She said in a whisper. "I thought he was older! He looks around his twenties." I said shocked that I didn't notice a man that memorizing. "He's 115 years old, and yes, the years have made him look absolutely divine, but he isn't that nice. Don't get your hopes."

"Don't worry, I can see a mean man far away." I said looking at my pizza.

At that moment, a girl that had red-fire hair and blue eyes arrived. I felt my gut strangle itself.I had a bad feeling.

"I heard you are the new girl in the Blue Dragon's division

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"I heard you are the new girl in the Blue Dragon's division. I am Patricia Blackwood leader of the vampire chicks here. You're very pretty. Do you want to be a part of us?" She said while she had a hand on her hip. "No thank you." I said in a simple and boring tone. I disliked people like this. In my school, they were the bullies.

Her smile turned into a frown. "WHAT?!"In a split second her eye iris turned black. I think I'm in trouble. "Did you just denied my offer? You don't know the opportunity you have just rejected." She got me by my hair and grabbed it so hard I felt like she was going to rip my hair out. I yelped from the pain. "Stop Patricia!" Angelina said putting her hand on Patricia's shoulder. A moment later, I saw Angelina fly across the cafeteria. Patricia had punched her so hard, the poor lass went flying against a wall.

I got so mad because she hurt Angelina, the only friend I had made so far. I couldn't control the sudden urge to hit her. I couldn't control the proceeding actions I took.

"You will regret doing that." I turned around even though my head hurt and punch her in the noise, I punched her in a normal way but that punch broke her nose in just one try...cool! She let go of my hair and I took this chance to give her a kick in her stomach that sent her flying right beside Angelina who was just getting up. Before, I could check up on Angelina, I tried to comprehend what had happened, but I felt weak, disoriented and my vision was darkening. I started falling but I never got to hit the ground, I just felt a strong pair of arms catching me.

***Hello everyone ^^***

The pictures are a type of guide I have provided you, they will only appear when there is an appearance of a new character and where things that had been explained are better comprehended with visuals=) But, as always, you can imagine the character as you wish.

Hope you all enjoy this chapter.



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