Chapter 22: Amelia in Wonderland

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"Hello." = Normal talk

'Okay.' = Thought

[WORD!] = Henshin Device and Attack naming

[WORD!] = Finisher and Weapon sound

"WORD!" = Henshin and Weapon Summoning

At Wonderland Theme Park, Eimi yawns as she waits outside for her friends

"30 minutes until the meeting time." Eimi said, "Maybe I'm a little early..." she said

"My name is Eimi Akechi." Eimi narrates, "Also known as Amelia Goldie." she narrates, "Freshman at the National Magic University Affiliation First High School." she narrates, "The reason I have to wait around is because of this morning's phone call." she narrates


Eimi was asleep at 5:02 when her phone beeped

"Who is it at this time." EImi said, she opened her eyes and saw it was her grandmother "Gr... Grandmother!?" she asked as she quickly got up and answered the phone "It's been a while Grandmother." she said

"Good morning, Amelia." Eimi's Grandmother said

"My Grandmother, who called me from England, is the aunt to the Family Head of the prestigious Goldie Family of Modern Magic." Eimi narrates, "She is considered number two after the Head of the Family." she narrates

"It looks like it's very hot over there, but are you feeling any ill effects?" Eimi's Grandmother asked

"I'm okay." Eimi said, "The heat has somewhat lessened recently, so I'm fine." she said

"As a matter of fact, I've decided to avoid the heat and wait for fall from next week in a Swiss Mountain Villa." Eimi's Grandmother said, "Amelia, I want you to come to the Mountain villa." she said

"Me go to Switzerland?" Eimi said, "Even though that's the case, the second semester will start in a week..." she said

"If it's about school, Switzerland has a wonderful magic school." Eimi's Grandmother said, "Why don't you go study abroad for six months?" she asked

'What does this mean, when you've had very little interference in my life?' Eimi thought, 'What reason do you suddenly have to keep me at hand...?' she thought

"I somehow managed to put the matter on hold." Eimi narrates, "I couldn't fall asleep, and I had too much time on my hands." she narrates

Flashback End

"Eimi!" Sakurakouji Akaha said as she arrived with Subaru

"Sakura! Subaru!" Eimi said, "Did you come with Subaru?" she asked

"Eheheh~" Sakura giggle

'Maybe she has a crush on Subaru...' Eimi thought

"Sakurakouji Akaha, commonly known as Sakura my classmate." Eimi narrates

"Did you bring your invitation with you?" Eimi asked

"Of course!" Sakura said, "How could I forget." she said

"Subaru Satomi." Eimi narrates

"Sakura really likes Wonderland, doesn't she?" Subaru asked, "It's my first time here, so I'm looking forward to it." she said

"A handsome boy who became a good friend after the Nine Schools Competition." Eimi narrates, "But is a girl." she narrates

'Well, I don't know how Sakura feels, but...' Eimi thought said

Mahouka Koukou no Gadianजहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें