Chapter 10: Preparations For The Nine Schools Competition Part 1

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"Hello." = Normal talk

'Okay.' = Thought

[WORD!] = Henshin Device and Attack naming

[WORD!] = Finisher and Weapon sound

"WORD!" = Henshin and Weapon Summoning

On The 9th of July, 2095

Asuna was checking the list of the people who will be taking part in the Nine Schools Competition and saw her names along with Honoka and Shizuku, with Asuna at number 4, Miyuki at number 5, Honoka at number 6, and Shizuku at number 7

"Yay!" Honoka said

"Well, the results are just as expected, huh?" Shizuku said

"Congratulations to you guys, too, Asuna, Miyuki." Honoka said

"Thank you." Asuna said

"Thank you for your congratulations." Miyuki said

"But these scores should get all four of us picked for the Nine Schools Competition!" Honoka said

"Yeah. That's why I crammed like crazy to make it." Shizuku said, "I want to get chosen, no matter what!" she said eyes full of determination

"Shizuku, you're on fire. What's going on?" Asuna asked

"Oh, the Nine Schools Competition always sends Shizuku into beast mode." Honoka said, "Every year, she goes alone to watch... to gather data on all the frontrunners." she said

"Wow! So, this year, you won't be a spectator but a contestant!" Miyuki said

"Yeah. I hope it turns out that way." Shizuku said

"But whos are at the top three?" Miyuki asked

"Let's check." Shizuku said then she, Honoka, and Miyuki checked and saw Aichi at number 1, Izuku at number 2, and Naofumi at number 3 with perfect scores in everything 

"Ehhh! Aichi-san, Izuku-san, and Naofumi-san are in the top three!" Honoka said surprised

"Hahaha! I guess, they decided not to hold back anymore." Asuna said

"I guess, it's because your and their real families are now out." Miyuki said

"Yeah, because now, we have families' names to uphold, so we are done holding back." Asuna said, "Who knows when we become second years students they might be in the same class as us." she said

"With their perfect scores, they might be picked for the Nine Schools Competition." Shizuku said

"Three Course 2 students competing in the Nine Schools Competition?" Honoka asked, "That never happened before." she said

"Yeah, look like Aichi, Izuku, and Naofumi are gonna raise the roof." Asuna said

Later, Mayumi was checking the list of contestants for their school with Miyuki

"No official announcements yet on our lineup, but this year's class of rookies is so deep, we can really depend on them!" Mayumi said, "Mitsui, and Kitayama are sure to be picked, too." she said, "The National Magic High School Goodwill Tournament of Magic Skills... Also known as the Nine School Competition." she said, "Every year, the cream of the crop of magic high school students gather to compete against each other on this dazzling stage." she said, "I'm expecting great things of you as valuable assets to our team!" she said, "I'm counting on you!" she said

"Okay!" Miyuki said

"But what is more surprising is that Azumaryu-kun, Minamifenikkusu-kun, and Kitakame-kun have the highest chance to compete in the Men Rookies Event." Azusa said

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