Chapter 26: Betrayal

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A/n: It's about to get really crazy. I hope you all are ready for this emotional rollercoaster.

One day, well the start of the end, I was hanging out with Derek and his friends. We sat in his assigned hotel room. The guys were playing some game I wasn't interested in while I zoned out. I didn't hate videogames but this particular one wasn't my cup of tea. I thought things were going to be ok today but then everything changed. I kissed Derek's cheek and his friend made a weird comment.

Gareth: Hey Honeymooners, Let me know if you want to have a threesome, or someone to just watch.

Cassie: You told them?

Derek: I told my friends and you told yours, what's the big deal?

Cassie: Why would you tell them what we did? Now, they'll never leave me alone. Now I'm the easy girl. You practically branded me a slut. At least my friends know how to keep things a secret.

Derek: Ok Fine, I was wrong for telling them but it's been forever Cassie, chill.

Jenny: Why are you such a nag, give him a break.

Cassie: Oh yea, why do you care? He's not your boyfriend, He's mine.

Then I saw them exchange a look. Derek looked terrified but Jenny, she was trying to conceal a smile. She was smirking and that scared him. She had the power to scare him. I had this feeling of immense dread and surprize but I didn't know exactly what it meant. I thought it was just another overreaction but it wasn't.

Derek: No, Don't.

Jenny: We've been sleeping together for a month.

He cheated on me. This bastard actually cheated on me, and with someone I considered a best friend. My world was spinning. For a moment I didn't even want to process what was happening. I couldn't deal with it. The shock overwhelmed me and I stumbled almost falling.

At first I didn't want to believe it. He couldn't do this to me right? I meant too much to him. Didn't he love me enough to want to stay loyal? I guess not.

I could barely feel my legs. Call be dramatic but it was a lot. My heart was ripping at the seams and there was nothing anyone could do to make me feel better. I couldn't do anything to stop the flood of tears in my eyes and I didn't care.

I couldn't believe it. I trusted Jenny and I loved Derek. They screwed me over. Who the hell could I trust? What the hell could I do? Why does it hurt so much? The guy I truly loved betrayed me on one of the most hurtful and disrespectful ways imaginable.

I couldn't ask Jessica how to deal with these problems. She was dead. Telling my parents was an obvious no. Brie had never done anything to me but how long until she also showed her true colors.

It got worse when Derek tried to apologize. If he cared, he wouldn't have done it. That's how it always goes right? An apology is apparently supposed to fix a broken heart and if it doesn't work once, try again. And of course the " didn't mean to hurt you' line. They never do right? I could hear Jessica in my ear telling me that his excuses were bullshit. Telling me that if I turned back, he'd only do it again.

Derek: Cassie, I'm really sorry. I didn't mean to hurt you.

He tried to hug me but I backed away. I couldn't let him touch me or I might really break.

Cassie: What? I love you and I was with you for 3 years.

Brie: Haven't you hurt her enough, you asshole.

Derek: I'm sorry.

Cassie: I asked Kristina if we could all be roommates. I trusted her. I trusted him. I still love him.

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