Chapter 21: Sad girl

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One day I ditched my chaperone and I took Brie and Jenny to a bus station. Kris would be ok for a while. We wanted to go to the other side of town where the regular people lived. After we got on a bus and rode around for a while I saw a cute convenience store and a really sad girl outside of it. She reminded me of Jessica for some reason. Something about her just made me want to go to this girl. I had to talk to her.

" Girls, I want to go see that store over there. Are you in or out?"

"DO you seriously think we'd leave you alone? Let's go"

"I don't think I want to."

"Rule 1 of girl world: never leave a friend alone where anything can happen to her."

"That's smart. Ok Let's go.

We went exploring the store in different directions. I went to go talk to the sad girl. Our conversation looked like this.

Cassie: Hey, why do you look so sad?

Sienna: There's so many reasons. DO you really want to hear me complain about my problems?

Cassie: If you want to talk about it. I'm Cassie btw.

Sienna: Sienna. Nice to meet you.

Cassie: Same. So what's up?

Sienna: Well I broke up with my boyfriend but I'm scared he's gonna leave forever. One of my best friends implied that I was a slut. I'm scared that I will fail my kid because i'm not ready.

Cassie: Kid? Congratulations. ( Once she said that I just wanted to help. Jess would have wanted me to help her. )

Sienna: Thank you.

Cassie: Here, what's your number? I want to help you but I don't know how yet.

Sienna: Why?

Cassie: You remind me of my sister.

Sienna: Is she also a teen mom?

Cassie: Mom yes, Teen no. And was. She's not alive anymore.

Sienna: Sorry for your loss.

Cassie: Let's talk about you. Friends will not betray you. That person was never your friend to begin with. As for the boyfriend thing, relationships are complicated but you don't need him. If he leaves, you got this.

Sienna: Do you have a boyfriend?

Cassie: Yea

Sienna: Be careful of your heart and always use protection.

Cassie: I don't think he'll do anything to hurt me. We love each other.

Sienna: Well hopefully that's enough.

Cassie: So do you like, throw up all the time?

Sienna: no. I didn't at all actually. There are other symptoms though. Like *whispers*

What she actually said was feeling tired and constantly having to pee. Sometimes there's even aches and minor bleeding.

Cassie: That isn't normal? That happened to me.

Sienna: Are you sure you're not pregnant?

Cassie: Yes. I think I would know if I was, right?

I didn't think I was pregnant. I didn't feel pregnant. I tossed the thought away almost as quickly as it came. It was kinda ridiculous but I think every girl goes through this when Aunt flo is even a little bit late. I definitely didn't want to be pregnant. I'm sure no right minded teenager wanted that. I don't even think Sienna wanted that but things happen. Mistakes are made and you have to decide where to go from there.

Sienna: Well I could be wrong. I'm not a doctor.

Cassie: True.

Sienna: Well I have to get home but it was nice meeting you.

Cassie: You too. Bye.

Sienna: Bye.

Sienna seemed like a really nice girl and I hoped she wouldn't suffer the same fate as Jess. I hoped she'd survive with her baby. I hoped she'd be able to work things out for herself. I didn't know exactly what was going on between her and her relationships with her friends and boyfriend but I hoped things would turn out fine. Hopefully she was treated right and didn't end up with another Justin. Just as she walked out of the store Brie and Jenny appeared in front of me.

Brie: Who was that?

Cassie: My new friend Sienna.

Jenny: You're befriending the poor normies now?

Now I know what you're thinking, Jenny seems kinda judgemental and bitchy. Well she is, especially to those who aren't as wealthy as she is. I had to say something about this because she didn't know anything about what Sienna was going through. I barely knew Sienna but something made me want to defend her.

Part of me was always wondering if Jenny knew that one wrong step and I could have her become a poor normie. She always felt so above regular working class people. Jessica definitely would've hated her. She'd wonder why we were friends and tell me to humble her. I didn't want to yet. I wasn't sure if that was because I didn't want to be that type of person or because I didn't want to show her my hand.

Cassie: She reminds me of my sister. Do you have a problem with that?

Brie: No, Right Jenny?

Cassie: Let's get back before Kris reports us missing.

Jenny: Yea let's go.

Sienna seemed cool. I didn't want my friends to judge her for being a pregnant teen so I didn't tell them. That's not really accepted in elite circles. As nice as these girls were to me, they were still heiresses in their own rite. Jenny especially would show no hesitation in calling her a slut. She often lacks sensitivity and just responds with rudeness. Sometimes I questioned why we were friends. Maybe it was because I liked knowing that if she ever went too far I could ruin her.

Sienna had enough to deal with. I guess I'm more sensitive to her situation because of how Jessica died. Hopefully Sienna and her baby would survive. Maybe I'd see her again with the baby. I hoped things worked out between her and her boyfriend. I couldn't imagine being so stressed in such a complicated situation.

I couldn't imagine worrying about a baby after just breaking up with someone. I hoped to never go through a break up. Maybe marry Derek and start a family one day. I hoped to be married when I got pregnant. I hoped we had a love that we fought for every day. I hoped that we chose each other every day even through the tough times.

Sienna had this sweetness to her. Her soul was innocent. She wasn't as corrupt as my friends. Even the nice ones like Brie had a little bit of darkness in them. I liked them but I knew them. Elite spoiled brats that didn't know anything about the other side. It wasn't their faults. I was privileged enough to meet Evan, My sister's ex boyfriend who was a working class man. He met Jessica at a public school because Jessi refused to go to private school. Even knowing him, I was still corrupted by my family's money. No one was safe.

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