Chapter 1: Meeting him

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Hi. You don't know me. My name is Cassidy A. Knight. Everyone just calls me Cassie. My sister Jessica has her story and this is mine.

I was 14 when I was shipped to a rich boarding school. I didn't know what was going to happen. I was alone. At least until I met Briella. On the first day, I was overwhelmed by the new environment. It's weird being the new girl when everyone else is also new and no one knows where the bathroom is.

My parents didn't care that I was gone. I wasn't Jessica. We were both adopted but it was clear that she was the favorite. She was the prized older child. I couldn't blame her though. She was a great sister. When she died, I just stopped feeling anything for a while. It's a little better when her ex boyfriend brings over my niece.

I'm getting sidetracked. I met Brie when I tripped over her bag and fell flat on my face. She asked me if I was ok while laughing. I told her I was fine and stood up. Our conversation went like this.

"Hey I'm clumsy but everyone calls me Cassie."

"Hi, I'm Brie."

"Sorry I tripped over your bag."

"Sorry my bag was in your way."

"It's fine. Have you discovered where the bathroom is?"

" Yea left and two doors down."

" Thanks. Be right back." I had to pee so I speed walked over to the bathroom. After I was done I tried to navigate back to my shared room. The Dean gave me a roommate after hearing about the loss of Jessica. They wanted to give me someone to talk to so I didn't feel alone.

I stopped walking when I heard the yelling of a brat. Now don't get me wrong, we're all rich. I guess I just learned how to treat people.

"I said I requested a private room. WHY would you give ME a roommate?" Now at the time, I didn't know who she was and I wish it stayed that way. Hope Esleton. Spoiled rich entitled brat.

" And You, who are you?"

"My name is Cassie. Who are you?"

"I'll Have you know I'm Hope Esleton ll. My parents are extremely successful and Both of my Sisters are european Supermodels."

" My sister is dead." I turned my back to her and continued walking until I couldn't recognize where I was. I kept walking through the halls until I saw a sign. I was at the boys dorm. I was lost at the boys dorm.

I started panicking and talking to myself. " How did I get lost? I took one walk and now I don't know where to go.

"Hey, need any help?" Out of nowhere appeared a guy wearing all black from head to toe. He had an eyebrow stud and jet black hair. He wasn't ugly but I didn't find anything about him particularly attractive.

"Yea, I got lost. Do you know how to get back to the girl's dorm?"

"No but Dean might. DEAN!." I was puzzled before I realized Dean was the boys' chaperone. He was an adult that knew the building. "Oh I'm Derek by the way."

"I'm Cassie."

"Hey, What's the problem?"

"This is Cassie. She is lost. Can you show her back to where the girls are supposed to be?"

"Sure. Come on Cassie .Right as I was going to take a step Derek caught my wrist and I turned around

"Wait, See you later Cassie" Then he let go and smiled at me and I felt weird. What was that? Did that mean he liked me? Why does my hand feel so tingly?

"What was that about?"

"Oh He's probably just messing with you. He thinks he's funny."

"That was one weird joke."

"Does Kristina know you're wandering around?"

"Who is Kristina?"

"She's the girls' chaperone."

"The only people I met before this was the Dean and my roommate Brie."

"Kris might be running late as always."

"Is she strict?"

"No, She's pretty chill."

"Ok. Do we get to go on trips?"

"Yea a lot actually."

"That's cool."

"Ok Here we are. Kris should give you a tour so that you don't get lost again."

"Hopefully, Bye Dean."

"Bye Cassie."

"Girl where did you disappear to?"

"I found the boys dorm."

"Did you talk to any of them?"

"Yea, I met a guy named Derek."

Author's note: I changed my original plans due to writers block. I wrote the last 3 chapters before finishing the first 4.

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