Chapter 17: Wedding

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As I stood in front of my closet, I couldn't help but feel a mix of excitement and nerves. Today was a big day for me - I was going to my chaperone's wedding. Kris, my chaperone and dorm advisor, was getting married, and she had invited all of us to share in her special day. I had always admired Kris, not just for her teaching skills but also for her kindness and warmth. Also for her dreamer Attitude. She found love with her coworker and despite the risk of it failing hard, she took the risk.

I carefully picked out a dress I had been saving for a special occasion. It was a deep purple, with a modest hemline and a flattering silhouette. I had spent hours agonizing over the perfect outfit, and I hoped it would make a good impression. I always hoped not to stick out. Especially in circumstances like this, It was Kris's day. All of the focus should be on her and Dean.

Hope had offered to do my hair, and she worked her magic with the curling iron, giving me loose waves that fell gracefully down my shoulders. As I looked at myself in the mirror, I couldn't help but smile. I felt like a grown-up, ready to step into the world of adults and witness a beautiful union of two people in love.

The wedding was being held in a picturesque garden not far from our town. The sun was shining brightly, and the scent of blooming flowers filled the air. I arrived a little early and found my seat, surrounded by other students and Kris and Deans' friends and family. I felt a buzz of excitement in the atmosphere as we all eagerly awaited the ceremony to begin.

I was excited for Kris but I was nervous because of all the people. I calmed down imagining what it would be like if I got married and if I married Derek. I had a concept design in mind but obviously nothing concrete. I'd want the colors to be gold and white. Vintage and pristine. My dad would walk me down the aisle as I stare at Derek nervously. Before the part where we kiss and I feel like everyone else disappeared. We could have the entire place flooded with diamonds if we want to but that's a conversation for after we're established. After we're ready to commit our lives to each other. This isn't really about me though. It's about Kristina.

The moment finally arrived when the soft music started playing, and the guests turned their attention to the garden's entrance. Kristina, now dressed in a stunning long cinched white gown with her hair tied in an elegant bun, walked down the aisle on her father's arm. She looked radiant, her smile beaming with happiness. Tears welled up in my eyes as I watched her, overcome with emotion.

The ceremony was beautiful, filled with heartfelt vows and meaningful readings. Kris and her groom, Dean, exchanged rings, sealing their commitment to each other with a kiss. The joy and love in the air were palpable, and I couldn't help but feel a warm sense of happiness wash over me. They had that love that all dreamers hope for. The kind where everyone knows in the pit of their soul that they are going to make it for the long haul.

After the ceremony, there was a lively reception where we all celebrated the newlyweds. I had the chance to talk to Kris, and she thanked me for coming and being a part of her special day. It meant the world to her, she said, to have her students there to witness this significant moment in her life. She felt like a 2nd mother and an older sister to me. I may have met Dean first but I grew very close to Kris. Dean felt familiar but professional like a boss or teacher.

As the evening came to a close, I felt grateful for the opportunity to be a part of Kris's wedding day. It was a reminder that teachers were more than just educators; they were individuals with their own lives, dreams, and love stories. It was a day I would always cherish, a day when I saw my chaperone not just as Kris but as a beautiful bride embarking on a new chapter of her life. She was stepping into the ultimate test. Marriage.

Kris said they weren't going on a honeymoon. They agreed to just continue on their everyday lives with us. I don't know how she could give that up. I would want to get away for at least a week. Come on, would you give up a trip of relaxation and sex for work and other everyday responsibilities. Getting paid is nice and all but dealing with teen bs instead of going on vacation is unfathomable to me. If it makes her happy I guess.

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