Chapter Thirteen

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In the conversation that ensued between Jungkook and the warrior, you learned he was one of the most charming men you had ever encountered. You didn't know whether it was the persuasion in those dark eyes, the handsome features, or his smile - but Taehyung's usually stern demeanor soon turned into one of playfulness, a kindness in his mannerisms as Hyun not so subtly convinced him to agree.

You half expected the warrior to change his mind, glancing over your shoulder as his silhouette disappeared into the darkness, but he never did. He didn't even display any jealousy when Jungkook reached for your hand, but you didn't take it and he did not pursue you further, content with just walking alongside you through the village.

The traditional Hanok houses were intertwined by cobbled pathways and adorned with flower shaped lanterns as you ventured through the streets. When you reached a bustling area filled with many people, he explained it was a market where merchants displayed an array of goods for sale, including the hand-painted items you took a moment to look at.

He eagerly pointed out popular items that collectors and people were willing to trade money for - yet despite his attempts of explanation, you couldn't fully comprehend the concept of currency.

Jungkook had laughed through, his smile never faltering and kindness unwavering despite your initial reluctance to listen.

He continuously made conversation, intrigued to know about your village, asking you to describe the flower hairpieces you enjoyed making. He took an interest in knowing about you, even so much as asking your name. He didn't treat you like the savage his people thought you were and did not care when they cast judgemental looks in your direction. His touch was gentle and understanding, and you liked him.

Even if you did not understand the admiration he had for his brother, you tried to hide the hatred you felt.

Jungkook's pace slowed now, a contemplative look etched across his features as he glanced towards the Hanok to your right, making out the elegant architecture in the darkness before he turned back towards you.

"Your friend," He started, voice measured and gaze steady. "I would like to take you to see her at first light."

You glanced at him, eyebrows furrowed in confusion as to why he had changed the subject and told you something so directly, but your heart sank because you knew the warrior would never allow such a visit, and the thought of being denied the chance to see Yuna hurt even more.

"Your brother would never allow it."

"It does not matter what Taehyung says."

"But it does." You whispered, eyes averting to the ground when you sensed Jungkook's presence moving towards you. "You do not know him like you think you do."

"I know there is no excuse for what my brother has done, but I also know that he is not as cruel as you think."

You slowly turned away from him, hand trembling as it tried to hide the tears threatening to spill from your eyes. It wasn't that you thought he would defend you over the warrior, but you wanted him to understand Taehyung's true nature - how he was not the perfect brother he believed he was.

Had he never seen the way these men mercilessly destroyed villages, yours included, or how they killed innocent people without a second thought? Did he think it was right that his brother had taken you captive?

Maybe he wasn't as kind as you thought he was.

"What is it that makes you cry?" Jungkook's soft voice lingered in your ear a moment later, "I did not mean to upset you."

You bit back the urge to lash out, even though you knew he meant well. "You would not care even if I told you."

"I am not my brother, Y/N."

𝐀 𝐂𝐀𝐏𝐓𝐈𝐕𝐄 𝐋𝐎𝐕𝐄 | K.THWhere stories live. Discover now