Chapter Four

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Sleep did not come easily as you tossed and turned in the long grass, body shivering from the caress of the cold wind and the loud laughter of the warriors. No matter how much you tried, you couldn't get comfortable and eventually, you huffed and turned onto your back, staring at the night sky. The stars were bright, the delineations making beautiful patterns that you could trace with your fingers.

It was comforting, and soon enough, you found yourself starting to drift off.

Or that was until the heavy sound of footfall echoed in the silence.

Your lashes fluttered open, turning to look in that direction. You could vaguely make out the silhouette of the warrior in the darkness, the fabric in his hand becoming more noticeable as he approached. His armor was disheveled and his hair unkempt as if he had been running his fingers through it.

"Get up."

You frowned at his tone, but did as he asked.

"Sunjinhan yeoseong."  Taehyung scoffed in a vocabulary you did not understand, but you knew it was an insult as he crouched down and leaned in, so close you could smell the alcohol in his breath and see the moisture on his full lips. "It means foolish woman."

You didn't answer, shoulders tense as he reached out to run a hand over your upper arm, fingers tracing the indent of your collarbone before reaching the loose fabric draped there. He tugged it, umber eyes fixated on the side of your face. The look was a warning.

"I am going to untie you. You try anything, I'll break your hand. Understood?"

He didn't do anything more until you nodded, unsure why he was releasing you from the confines of the rope. All sorts of thoughts played in your mind as he took out a handcrafted blade from the covering around his waist and yanked your wrists into his lap.

Was he going to claim you as his reward?

The tears were quick to linger in your eyes, fingers curling into a fist as you prepared yourself to fight back, but he only carved through the rope and drew back to his feet. You had a moment to smooth the bruised skin, the tension proliferating the longer he didn't say anything.


Your stomach dropped at his words.

"I won't do such a thing." You whispered, shaking your head in quiet defiance.



You hated the fact you were actually pleading with him.

"I'm not trying to have my way with you, woman." Taehyung, implicated by your contention, scoffed and threw the fabric he was carrying earlier at your feet. " I won't have my captive dressed in such filth."

You felt soothed for a moment until the realization settled. He was asking you to rid yourself of the only thing you had left.

"My people made this dress."

"Do not disobey me, savage. You wear what I give you, or you will be naked instead."

"I can wash it in the river, if you let me?" You again pleaded, eyes wide as you stared up at him. "This fabric is all I have left."

"If you can not obey me." The look on those pulchritudinous features would have scared you senseless if it hadn't been replaced with another smirk so quickly. "I might have to teach your friend a lesson in your place."

The threat of him hurting Yuna was all you needed to do as he asked, you would not have her suffer because of your incompetence, not after everything she had done for you. Pushing yourself to your feet, you tried to turn away, but he was quick to growl and warn you not too.

It was embarrassing to have him stare at you, a blush on your cheeks as you reached up to undo the knots on your shoulder with trembling fingers. The fabric easily fell apart, exposing the rounded curve of your breasts as you quickly started to untwine the leafs around your waist. He muttered something incoherent, head cocked to the side as if to admire your womanly physique.

You had never been naked in front of anyone besides the woman as you all bathed in the river, besides the young men who tried to peek at you from behind the trees before they were quickly chased away by Yuna. This was different though, you had been told to do this.

When your attire was discarded by your feet, you retrieved the fabric he had thrown at you earlier and took a moment to admire the greenish color with flecks of gold. It was expertly crafted and almost felt like the satin the elders wore. You had never been given something so exquisite to wear and it was only when you pulled it over your body that you realized how beautiful it really was. It caressed your waist and flowed loosely over your legs.

"You will only be dressed in the finest of attire from now on so they know you belong to me, savage."

And then he had to ruin it with his vile words.

"You defy me again, you'll see how unforgiving I can be."

You wanted to say something, or explain yourself at least, but you were interrupted by a yell. Turning towards the tents, you felt anger at the sight of the warrior that took Yuna from your side earlier. The one with the messily tied up hair and scar on the left side of his face. His hand was raised and a weapon clutched tightly as he pointed behind him.

"One of the captives has run off, Taehyung."

"Are you idiots incapable of taking care of anything yourself?" Taehyung growled, imperativeness in his tone as he wielded his sword and strode towards the shorter male.

"It's the same pretentious bitch from earlier, escaped out of the tent when I wasn't looking."

There was a frown on his face as he turned towards the tents. "Which way did she go?"

"That way."

You watched with furrowed eyebrows as they took off at a determined pace, not even so much as glancing at you or warning you to stay where you were. It wasn't until their forms started to disappear into the darkness that you finally glanced down at your wrists and realized he hadn't tied you back up.

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