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I wake up with a heavy feeling pressing down on me, forcing me to wake up earlier than usual. It can't be later than 05:30 AM. I sigh exasperated and get up quietly, no point in trying to sleep again.

I put on my glasses, something I hadn't done at the manor. One of the first things Tom had done was to have his healer appraise my eyes and fix them with the help of a potion and spell. Now I have to wear this fake pair though. The frame is the same, but the glass isn't. I take my bag of toiletries and head to the washroom, washing my face and using the cream Tom had bought me. I don't really care about these things, but Tom said I'd thank him for it when I'm above 30. Sirius had also taught me how to work with and not against my hair, so my hair looked a lot better at the manor, now though I just brush it quickly as I had done before.

There are so many small things I now have to keep track of. I was only there for a few weeks, but it changed me for the better and now that I'm back I sort of wish I could go back and just go with our other possible plan. I smack my cheeks and stare at the mirror, or rather, myself, in challenge.

"I can do this." I tell myself with more confidence than I actually have, but I need to hype myself up for this to work. I fix my tie again and head back to the dorm-room. A place that used to be my home, but now it only bears nostalgic memories. Tom is my true home. Tom, and Remus, and Sirius, and the twins...

Now, fully dressed and ready for the day, I shoulder my bag with my school-things and take with me one of the books I'm currently reading: "My Life As A Veela: A Blessing Or A Curse" an autobiography by Domenik Sinead. I've read about two thirds of the book and am hoping to finish it together with an early breakfast in the kitchen.


"Harry Potter is back!" Dobby yells in excitement and earns a few glares from the other house-elves.

I simply smile at him and sign at one of the other elves that I would like to eat. He almost immediately brings me what I can only identify as a full English. I actually started eating a bit more at the manor, so I'm not too worried about eating only a third of the plate. I silently thank the elf and his pale skin develops a rosy blush and he waves away my thanks.

'Time to dig in!', I think to myself, and do exactly that.


"Harry, mate, where were you this morning?" Ron asks me just before our double potions lesson begins. I simply shrug and take out my notebook.

Remus had me a notebook for each of my classes and taught me "how to properly take comprehensive notes", but as much as Sirius and I tease him for his nerdiness, it actually helps a lot more than I would ever admit.

Tom helped me prepare for my classes before coming back, but I am almost positive he taught me much more than what I actually need for classes, which is all well and fine to me. I didn't mind the extra time I got to spend sitting at a desk while he looked over my shoulder, bracketing me between his arms from behind. It reminds me of that teacher/student romance book Lavender recommended me a while ago.

Anyway, I'm pretty sure the actual learning and classes will be the easy part, but being around all these people again is as wonderful as it is hurtful. Wonderful because I get to see all the members of the DA, people I consider my friends, hurtful because I'm also around people I used to love and admire, who have revealed their true faces. In addition I can't even talk with my loved ones because of my own stupid idea. Logically I know it gives me much more leeway to do whatever the fuck I want without Dumbles interfering, but it also stops me from involving people I love and trust. Oh well, I've got to concentrate.

Suddenly hands grab my shoulders and I flinch, almost falling off my chair as I try to evade the hands.

"No need to be so jumpy my boy," Slughorn says in his kind-elder voice, as his right hand slides to my nape, almost massaging it. I may not be traumatized by rape as the teachers believe, but I sure as hell still feel super uncomfortable. He's never been so forward or touchy before, I can't help but wonder what brought this change in attitude on.

Slughorn steps away from me after a very long, awful moment and begins class. I breathe a sigh of relief and Ron leans towards me to whisper in my ear.

"Everything okay? Slughorn is being awfully touchy-feely, why didn't you tell him to get his hands off? You're obviously uncomfortable, mate." I smile sadly and motion towards my thoat and then make an 'x' with my index fingers. Ron's eyes widen in horror.

"God, Harry, what did that disgusting snake-face do to you? I'll kill him. Him and the rest of those despicable lunatics! Nobody hurts my best friend and gets away with it." Ron declares in anger, but I only shake my head softly and mouth 'you don't understand'. "What don't I understand mate? Please, just tell- ummm, write it on a piece of parchment for me... Please?" He almost begs.

I charm a piece of parchment, not wanting to keep my friend completely in the dark. Ron is the most loyal friend I know. He will trust and support me. That I'm as sure of as my name.

'Tom is not who he used to be. Dumbles put spell on him back in the day to twist his mind. Spell was broken, now he wants to make amends. Dumbles raised me to have Tom and I kill each other in the end, so he will be seen as the only true hero. Tom is a good person, trust me. Can't say more for now, but I have a plan. Nobody can know, PS: don't look directly into Dumbles' eyes.'

Ron's eyes widen comically with each line he reads. As he stops at the last word, the parchment goes up in flames. I couldn't risk anyone else knowing by finding my note. Ron turns to look at me and I nod before concentrating back on the lesson. Somehow my heart feels much lighter now.

Next we have transfiguration and then we have lunch. Let's hope everything goes smoothly.

A/N Hullo everybody! I know... I'm back from the pits of hell with another chapter, which was long overdue, sorry everyone. I've been dealing with a lot of shite lately, you know, family drama, backstabbings, life-changing decisions, the whole she-bang. Anyway, it's good to be back! Sort of xD

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