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Haha, those bastards won't see what's coming. The order will finally go down!

'Get a grip, Marvolo!', I remind myself, although I must admit that my plan was rather brilliant. I simply pretended to take all my death eaters with me, but in reality they are all surrounding the manor waiting for the order to arrive. Then they will just have to stop them from taking Harry and capture the order members.

I am disappointed though that Severus is still attempting to be Dumblewhore's double-agent. Oh well, I'll convince him sooner or later.

First things first, I need to apologise to Simone. He is my oldest and just about only friend (aside from Harry, although I'm not sure if he feels the same way about me), but he was with me when I snapped (because of the Horcruxes) and purposely left him with the aurors because I thought of him as a weakness. He knew everything about me. At the time I felt like I couldn't let him walk about, being able to just spill my deepest secrets.

So... I get that he was reluctant to meet me. He met me only once after the auror-incident and at the time I was in full genocide-mode. It wasn't pretty, and one of my Death Eaters harmed Simone's husband, so he has more than one bone to pick with me.

I gracefully step out of the chimney, robes billowing behind, when I duck away instinctively. Simone's husband is standing there in all his fury, wand in hand.

"I can't believe you 'ave ze guts to step into zis 'ouse!" he shouts in his thick French accent, glaring at me. If looks could kill I would already be dead a hundred times over.

"Hello Vincent, it's lovely to see you again." I say, unsure whether I'm bettering or worsening the situation, but before he can reply or jinx me for that matter, Simone appears from behind him, laying a hand on his shoulder.

"Now, now mon cherie, let's not start a fight." Simone whispers to his lover, but I hear him clearly. I almost smile; Simone has always been much calmer than Vincent and I. He is a loving person and I am happy they found each other.

When I see them standing close like this I feel the envy welling up and I swallow harshly. One day.

"Are you going to stand there all day or will you come along, Riddle?" Simone asks rhetorically and the way he says my name hurts.

I follow the two into what I believe to be the living room. I now take the time to appraise my surroundings for the first time since my arrival: beautiful wooden furniture including a big cabinet with carvings of mythical creatures, a green velvet sofa and chaise-longue, as well as many other pieces making the - what seems like a quaint cottage - complete. There are also many plants freshening up the atmosphere and giving the room a more friendly demeanour.

Vincent directs me to the pillow-less, wooden chair on the far side of the love seat the both of them are occupying. I sit down on the chair, looking at both of them. The sofa-table is the only thing separating us, but I am very thankful for it, seeing as Vincent still looks quite murderous. He has always been rather emotional and acts before he thinks.

I clear my throat before starting to talk:

"Ummm... Simone, Vincent - I owe you my deepest apologies. The way I acted was unacceptable, no matter the fact that I was under the influence-" before I can finish my sentence, Vincent interrupts me hysterically:

"Alcohol?", he whispers breathlessly, "Are you saying that you murdered thousands because you were drunk?! For more than 30 years?!"

"I think you misunderstood. I was not under the influence of alcohol, but rather, of Horcruxes. Seven to be exact." Everything seems to stand still at this moment and then, just when I was beginning to think that I broke them, Simone says:

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