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POV Tommy boy

"What kinds do you have?" Harry asks the lady at Florean Fortescue's curiously, as though he's never been before. Maybe he hasn't.

At least for me it will be like a welcome back to the world of the sane. I don't know, but somehow I never felt like eating ice cream when I was still under the influence, but now I'm craving it so badly. This whole ordeal is making me feel like a teenager again!

"Well what type of ice cream do you fancy darling?" the lady asks kindly, although the endearment is setting me off. He is mine, after all. At least that's what I've gathered.

As if reading my thoughts Harry slips his hand into mine and presses it reassuringly.

"Ummm, I think I'd like... Some soft-serve ice cream?" He says, almost making it sound like a question. To me the saviour of the wizarding world always seemed so confident, but now that I know him a bit better, I'm starting to see that he isn't.

"Well then, we have multiple kinds of that: We have Banana, Chocolate, Granny Smith, Mint, Pistachio, Vanilla, Orange Marmalade, Toffee, Toffee Apple, Strawberries & Cream." The lady states, smiling, while I feel the inside of Harry's palm starting to sweat.

"Ummm, Tom...?" He asks and I nod, taking over.

"We'd like to have one serving of the Pistachio and one simple chocolate. Both in a cup please." I say. Harry strikes me as the type who'd appreciate some simple chocolate or nut, so I ordered two kinds that we can share. He can have whichever he prefers then.

"Would you like it take away or are you eating it here?" Margaret asks. I noticed she has a name tag, which reads Margaret, so I'm assuming that's what she's called.

We tell her that we're eating in the parlour and sit down somewhere in a quiet corner after I paid, much to Harry's dismay, who kept trying to pay, or at least split. Finally sat at the table Harry looks at me.

"Thanks Tom, I get really nervous when there are so many choices. How'd you know I like chocolate?" I smile at his thanks.

"No need to thank me. And as for your second question... Do you think I haven't noticed the vast amounts of hot chocolate you've already consumed since you've been brought here?" I ask amused. He blushes and I can't help but find him absolutely adorable.

"Here you go lads, one pistachio and one chocolate in a cup. Would you like anything to drink?" Margaret then disturbs our moment and I turn to smile at her charmingly before looking back to Harry.

"Ummm, a hot chocolate perhaps?" He says and I nod.

"Make that one hot chocolate," I turn to Harry, "would you like marshmallows in it?" He nods and I continue: "One hot chocolate with marshmallows and one caramel macchiato, both without any whipped cream." I look to Harry to confirm and he nods again.

"Are you sure you don't mind me ordering for us love? I don't want you to feel like I want to control you." I question, worried. He laughs heartily and tilt my head to the side.

"No it's alright, my friends do too. I feel like everybody apart from me knows what I want best." He explains and I feel even more worried. Seems like people have been taking his choices from him his entire life. Then again, we can talk about that later and I don't want to destroy our date. It has so far been nothing but tears and memories.

"Alright then, if you say so, but we'll speak about this again. Now I just want to enjoy our date." I tell him and he blushes.

"Date? That's good to know then." I smile and we hold hands, taking turns eating from the ice cream. Every few minutes we switch cups and I realize that I haven't had such a peaceful moment for a very long time. Not since I backed out of my friendship with Simone.

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