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"What are you reading?" Tom asks me, breaking the silence. I hadn't realized that he entered the room, but now he is standing in front of me, in all his glory. Well, in his silky pyjamas, but that doesn't take away any of his gloriousness.

"The Planetary Seals Of Solomon: An Introduction by Michaela Verde." I answer simply. I like him - a lot. But that doesn't make me any less cranky in the morning. He raises an eyebrow.

"That I can see, but what's the chapter about that you're reading. I must admit I have read only the books about the dark arts from this library." He chuckles and shrugs his shoulders. I make an inviting gesture with my left hand, silently asking him to sit in the armchair next to me.

"I'm at chapter six, which is about the seals of the sun and what they are used for. It's a fairly short chapter and I just finished it, but it's interesting nonetheless. I have never been too much of an astronomy fan, but it can be dead useful." I explain excitedly.

Finally somebody I can't rant to about the books I read. Hermione doesn't know I read, nor would she appreciate me being independent of her, so I kept underachieving in school. That and the fact that I was always extremely busy with saving my own life as well as the entire wizarding community of Britain. I would talk to Ron, but he's not much of a book-fan himself, even if he tries to keep up with my rants. Luna is always in her own world and I always feel bad disturbing her day dreams, but I've read the book about nargles and Crumple-Horned Snorkacks that she gave me and she was so happy that we ended up talking about them for hours. Neville... Well, I've never really tried to talk much with Neville, so I'll have to rectify that.

"-arry. Harry! Are you okay?" Tom asks, laying a hand on my cheek and I blush.

"I'm sorry, I just zoned out." I excuse my behaviour, embarassed.

"It's okay love, I was just worried. Speaking of reading and books, what books have you already read?" He asks, seeming sincerely interested. Oh, he's done it now.

"Well, at first I read 'Mama Val's Quick Remedies' by Valencia Curtis, which was very interesting. I also have some notes on the most interesting chapters. I did some research and found out that Valencia Curtis was actually a nurse at Saint Mungo's. She worked there until her death in 1979. Anyhow, the book was published in 1973, so it's not that old. After that I read 'Wandlore for beginners', 'Secrets of the darkest Art',-" I want to continue, but Tom disrupts me, grabbing my arm.

"What? That book also exists in this library?" Tom asks angrily, gripping my arm tighter.

"Tom, you're hurting me." I say pathetically wincing. He immediately tries to pull back, but I lay my hand around his. "It's fine, but there's no need to get worked up. I didn't think you'd want anyone else to read about them and let Violet bring it to your office this morning while you were sleeping." I smile at him gently and his right hand goes to touch my cheek, but it stops, a centimetre above my face.

"May I?" Tom asks softly and I nod, as if in trance. His hand lightly touches my face, before beginning to caress it gently. I close my eyes and lean into the touch. It's unusual to me, but I love the attention. Then I remember my dreams and blush. I dreamt about us consummating again and woke up at 5 in the morning to wank and couldn't fall asleep after, so I went to the library instead.

Suddenly Tom smirks, saying: "Harry? You do remember that we have a mind link, right?" My eyes fly open and I look at him in horror. "I couldn't help but be pulled into your dream last night. I must say, that is quite the imagination you've got." His voice turns silky and I become pudding in his hand. "You know how torturous it is to be around you, not able to touch, kiss, to make love to you. That dream alone got me aroused to the point of no return. Beware, once you become legal you will have to take responsibility for this." I look at his lap and my face turns even redder, seeing his state of arousal.

The Not so Dark Hours (Tomarry)Where stories live. Discover now