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Ugh, I'm so tired. I yawn. Sneaking back here after not sleeping should not feel this familiar. I should definitely watch my sleep cycle more. I take off my robe and shake it out before going to fold it when I notice a tiny scrap of paper sailing to the ground.

It says 'Owl me. - Caleb' and a post address along with the apparition coordinates. Is he trying to get me to illegally apparate? He's an auror!

Caleb... Caleb.... I like that name, although it doesn't quite suit him. It's so... muggle. Oh god, I'm beginning to sound like Malfoy!

I just think that pureblood names have something special about them. 20.219 – that's how many males are called Harry with first name. At least according to a study I found. Wait! Tommy boy gave himself a chic new name, why can't I? I'm tired of being Harry Potter anyway! But what will my friends say? No matter. First things first I need to see if that is even legal within the playing field that is the magic law.


"Harry James Potter will you listen to me?!" Hermione screeches and I hold my hands to my ear to not get my ear drums damaged. She's been ranting about me not sleeping well and slacking off in classes. As if! I've been working and reading more than she has! But she doesn't know that, you barely tell her anything these days, a snobby voice in my head resounds.

Ridiculous. How have I never even noticed? Hermione's never been interested in me! Sure, she likes Ronald, that much is obvious, but me? She just hangs around me because she got pulled into my lucky adventure streak back in first year. Ron is actually interested in my Quidditch rants, my theories on different subjects, even my favourites! (A/N favourites as in colours, dishes and such) She doesn't even know what my favourite colour is!

"I've had enough 'Mione, can you back off?" I ask, feeling my head throbbing from a coming headache. I knew staying up late wasn't the best idea, but hey, I'm a super animagus now. Apart from the fact that I haven't even transformed yet, but that's minor details.

"Enough of what? Why have you been acting this cold recently? It's like I don't know you any more!" Hermione cries and stomps off, pushing aside Luna who would have fallen if it wasn't for Neville catching her.

"Thanks Neville." Luna says airily as ever and skips back to her seat, while Neville blushes. I wink at him and do a thumbs up to show my support before making my way to class. Ron turns to me and asks whether I'm fine.

"Sorry mate, she was acting totally out of line. 'Mione has been weird lately. Called me beyond stupid the other day when I asked about what she meant when she was on a rant about ancient runes. I don't even have that class! How am I supposed to know?" Ron ends his rant with a huff and looks at me expectantly. I tilt my head. Oh. Oh! I'm supposed to do the best friend support thing.

"Yeah, no, yeah. You're totally right! Sorry I was distracted. She's really been acting mean lately, pushing Luna like that. I just hope that this is a bump in the road and not her showing her true colours." I wonder. Has she always thought that way of me and Ron? She's always acted bloody understanding of us before. As Ron stands up I see that he's wearing the trousers I gave him last year. He hasn't worn them before, but he should be regretting that decision. His arse looks fine in them. They're crisp and showing off his Quidditch thighs and pert behind in the best way possible. As he bends down to pick up his bag from the floor we hear a wolf whistle and Zabini appears next to Ron saying:

"Nice arse Weasel!" It sounds teasing and the Slytherins laugh, but I hear him add quietly, so that only Ron and I can hear. "I would tap that." Ron's head turns into a tomato and he tells Zabini to shove off. He runs off and I follow behind closely, giggling, much to Ron's dismay.

The Not so Dark Hours (Tomarry)Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora