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After we explained our plans to the rest of the gang they all asked a few questions, with one exception: Sirius. His only question was:

"All that sounds great and I'm sure we'll kick Dumbledore's arse... But... I have wanted to ask you Marvolo – What happened to Reg? What happened to my little brother?" Sirius' voice is raw when he asks, but his gaze remains unrelenting.

"To be quite frank with you... I don't know. I really can't tell you. Regulus was never involved in any action. He helped plan political agendas and gave us some intel on Hogwarts, but that was it. I think he wanted to avoid fighting you at all cost. From what Severus tells me, he really looked up to you. One day he told me he'd help Yaxley on a mission I gave him, but he never did go on that mission. After that he never came back..."

"Wait! Sirius, what's Regulus' full name?" I ask hurried with a glint in my eyes.

"I don't see how that's important, but it's Regulus Arcturus Black." Sirius says and I jump up.

"Oh Merlin, why didn't I see that before! He is R.A.B! R.A.B is him!" I shout jumping up and down with excitement.

"What... Harry? I'm sorry to say, but I don't see how my brother's initials will bring him back or help me understand what happened to him." Sirius says and I sit down again, saying 'sorry'.

"In the beginning of the year Dumbledore took me to some creepy rock in the middle of an ocean to hunt down one of Tom's dark artefacts, can't say what it is though. There were lots of traps, Dumbledore got cursed yadda yadda yadda. Anyhow, when we got back Dumbledore gave the thing to me and said he'd go rest and told me to figure out how to destroy it. So I take the thing along to my dorm, check it for any curses or dark spells, but there weren't any, not even a hint of dark energy that you usually feel with that sort of thing. So I simply open it, and what do I find? A little note saying: To the Dark Lord – I know I will be dead long before you read this, but I want you to know that it was I who discovered your secret. I have stolen the real 'item' and intend to destroy it as soon as I can. I face death in the hope that when you meet your match, you will be mortal once more. - R.A.B. I told Ron and 'Mione about the note, but they hadn't the slightest idea who R.A.B. is either, so I just hid it in my trunk for the time being, but when you guys mentioned Regulus I thought about that note again. First off, he didn't seem very loyal to the dark, no offence Tom, and second of all, his first and last name matched the first and last initials. I just didn't know his middle name, that's why I asked. Now about what he wrote, stop looking so worried, I think I know how we can find out what happened to Regulus. Kreacher!" I shout, startling everyone. Sirius' eyes darken upon hearing the name. I look over to Tom, but he just looks thoughtful. Just then a pop resounds and Kreacher appears.

"What cans Kreacher be doing for Master of Death?" Kreacher asks. Everyone's head snaps to me and I blush at the unwanted attention.

"I'll tell you guys later. Anyhow, Kreacher, could you tell me what happened to your former master, Regulus Black? If he is alive we want to help him!" I say and look to Tom who confirms with a nod.

"Oh it's horrible what they do to Master Regulus! Master Regulus was such a fines young Master! Master Regulus came to Kreacher after finding dark object and asks Kreacher to destroy it, but Kreacher tries and tries and can't do it! So Master goes to that awful bearded muggle-lover for help, but the fool just be laughing at Master. He said Master be destroying his plans so he takes Master and locks him away in the old dungeons of stupid school and bes torturing master with help of slimy man! Master still being alive, Kreacher can feels it, but Kreacher can't help Master because of the old fool's spell! So Kreacher keeps trying to do what Master told Kreacher to do for years, but damn thing won't break. Instead thing hurts Kreacher when Kreacher touches it, but it's nothing to Kreacher, compared to what Master Regulus has to go through to this day." Kreacher finishes with a rasp and that is the most I've ever heard him say. He must really love Regulus.

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