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In his chambers the dark lord is chasing up and down, so much so that if the carpet had been shapable, you would have seen his path.

"What is the matter my lord?" Lucius Malfoy asks nervously, hands twitching behind his back. His lord had ordered him into his chambers with no information on the cause whatsoever.
Since they (his inner circle) had gotten his old looks back even his crazy and bloodthirsty tendencies had gone back immensely. His magic had stayed as oppressing and powerful, if not more so. Now however Lucius was afraid of a fall-back into old tendencies.

"Lucius!" The dark lord barks and the older Malfoy jerks.

"Yes Milord?" he asks worried.

"I am having trouble." Lucius' eyes grow as wide as saucers. The dark lord admitting to a weakness, unheard of! Not that he would share this bit of information. He is still in favour of living.

"What kind of trouble Milord? Is someone to be eliminated?" He questions the agitated lord.

"Since getting my younger body back and gaining more sanity – yes Lucius I am aware that I was a tad bit crazed before – I have gained these... Urges." Lucius blushes.

"Oh stop blushing Malfoy, I don't need this distracting me from work, what do I do to get rid of them? My own hand won't suffice!" If anyone had told Lucius before this meeting, that he'd be talking to the dark lord about sexuality, he would have sent them straight to Saint Mungos'.

"Well... The best thing to do is to give in to the urges before it gets any worse. There are plenty of people who would willingly offer themselves to you." Lucius suggests earnestly. He lives with a crazed teenaged man-boy after all. He's found plenty of muggle magazines of naked men in his son's room and is just waiting for his son to grow a backbone and tell himself and Narcissa. She had of course told him that her son was gay for years and he hadn't believed her.

"That isn't possible... It can't just be anyone." His lord argues and Lucius' brow creases.

"I assure you that we can find the best of the best-" Lucius begins, but his lord disrupts him.

"That simply won't do! There is nobody like the person I want..."

"It seems as though you already have someone in mind my Lord." Lucius says, slightly smiling.

"Yes, it seems that way, doesn't it? But it is simply impossible to have that person. They wouldn't want me. They would probably rather die than go to bed with me." The dark lord bites his lip, brown hair softly falling into his face. Lucius almost chokes on his spit. He will kill whoever is denying the dark lord.

"Is it someone from the light?" Lucius asks. If it was someone from the dark the would immediately bow to the lord's wishes no matter the demand. It has to be a light wizard or witch. Voldemort nods, seemingly embarrassed to – how would his son say – 'have the hots' for someone of the light, which he so condemns.

"The only way to go then is to forcibly take them then, isn't it my Lord? If someone denies you simply make them bend to your every wish. Unless of course you have more feelings than lust towards this person..." Lucius is Slytherin through and through. It seems as though the dark lord doesn't want to force them and although he isn't 'batshit crazy' any more, he is still capable of torture.

"Who knows Lucius. Who knows....." Voldemort almost whispers. "Maybe you are right and I will simply have to," he snaps his fingers, "seduce them." A glint makes his eyes grow a more vibrant red.


I shiver and freeze momentarily. I have a bad feeling. Ron asks me if I'm alright and I nod absently. I feel like someone is plotting against me and I don't like it. In the least.

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