scepticism of a water bottle

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Dean gasped awake, sweat upon his brow and trickling down the side of his face coldly. His green eyes stared around the room in fear as a harrowing yet deadly thought entered his mind. When the cabin home was silent, no creaky footsteps and only filled with his and Sam's slight pants from abruptly waking up.

He clutched his head for a moment before hoisting himself into a sitting up position where he scanned the nursery room once more.

"Son of a bitch." He muttered before he stood swiftly, looking around more with desperation. It felt that, if he looked into a crack of the wall close enough or perhaps even if he could simply stare into the void that stretched out from the corners he'd find her. But the daylight managed to soak the room in enough daylight that there was no where Daphne could hide without him seeing. "Son of a BITCH!"

"Dean-" Sam grunted and slowly stood to his own feet, wobbling a little as his gigantic frame cracked in protest of his movements after a night of being cramped up. Sam felt the panic he knew Dean was drowning in, for his niece was no where in sight, but Sam caught something Dean did not. "She's alright. He won't-"

"Samuel if you say he won't hurt her, i will personally pull the trigger on your head." Dean's growled tone made Sam's eyes twitch, brows furrow and lips curl up in a manner that screamed uncertainty.

"I'm just saying-"

"No, Sam!" The father bellowed before he took three large strides to get to where Daphne had once stood. His chest clenched tightly, making it feel as though he could not breathe. He clenched his fists at his side before his gaze traveled towards his iconic pistol that laid motionlessly on the floor.

Dean's lips curled in anger, his eyes hardening and going cold as he effortlessly snatched the weapon up, storming from the room without so much as another glance at his brother. Sam was high on his priority list, practically at the top, but this was his little girl. This was his daughter, his own DNA! He may be blood related to Sam, but Daphne meant more than any worlds combined. He never thought he'd be a father, but when his candy apple green eyes looked towards Daphne's big blue pools for the first time....he felt as though she hung the stars in the sky. It was like the was the moon, shining down on him and giving him peace for his soul so that he may heal a fraction of his broken mind.

Not when she did stupid shit like disappear, however.

This only angered Dean further, however, as he couldn't help but imagine Jack doing the worst things imagineable to Daphne Winchester. He was Lucifer's son, after all, and so if Lucifer is evil then Jack would be without a doubt, no?

"Can he teleport?!" Dean asked with a burning fury once he and Sam left the cabin. The sun beamed down on them, and the dirt of the ground beneath them seemed to be lighter than it had been the night before. 

"What?" Sam's voice shook uneasily as he hurried to catch up to his enraged brother of whom was struggling to deal with the losses they already suffered let alone another one, however slim that chance would be.

"The kid." Dean gruffly answered, still sauntering towards the classic '67 Chevy Impala that was practically a family heirloom. "Does he have wings?!" His angry steps slowed, his thumb now grazing his bloodied lip as he looked around. They had no idea where Jack would've gone, and that meant he had no idea where Daphne was.

"I don't know."


Jack could feel the spike of fear within Daphne as she stared at the Sheriff cab that had pulled up at the small diner. Her eyes were glued to it, afraid to even let it out of her sight. In the past, she hadn't had the best experience with the police.

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