Post war 1945-1948

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After the end of the second world war the entire world was at a standstill and the league of nations was upgraded to the United nations in 1945 to prevent eber such a deadly conflict ever again.

Not everyone was happy after the war as many countries lost millions of men and civilians in the process and here is a list to name just a few of them.

USSR: 25,000,000
China: 23,000,000
Nazi Germany: 7,500,000
France: 6,500,000
Japan: 6,000,000
Italy: 5,000,000
Britain: 4,000,000
America: 2,000,000

The Japanese people were starving as the nuclear bombs had caused radiation to spread to around Japan nit enough to harm humans but enough to damage crops and plants which caused famine in Japan and many wheat harvests failed and the population began to starve to death and America had sent exported wheat to Tokyo where they could make bread but the Japanese rejected the idea of bread because it would ruin Japanese culture.

Meanwhile in Europe all countries except for Germany had returned their borders to pre war levels but Germany had been divided into four occupation zones one for Each Britain, France, America and the USSR and all the countries the Red army invaded in 1944 to 1945 would fall under an eastern block of communist ideology forced upon the Soviet dictator Stalin. Many of which were.

East German occupation territory

Whilst in the west the Allies made a western block that was under a divide rule of capitalism and had a plan to rebuild the Western Europe with 200 billion sent as the Marshal plan for America to pass out to them. The top 3 powers of the world were America, USSR and Britain and they were all good allies to each other however in the end of the second world war two superpowers would emerge as the USA and the USSR and neither of them wanted the others to overtake them so they didnt trust each other in what ever they do which would then force the Soviets to pull out of Iran because in 1943 Britain and the USSR agreed to invade Iran because they were helping the axis powers by supplies and diplomatic relations overseas. The British pulled out but Stalin refused until the United nations forced him to back out of Iran and British troops intervened in the Greek civil war against the communists KPE which Yugoslavia and the USSR were backing.
But eventually the KPE was defeated and Greece became a capitalist country. And only a few months later Yugoslavia had fallen out with the USSR and they decided to leave the eastern block and be a separate communist country.

Also the poor country of Austria was occupied by the Allies after WW2 and the western powers pulled their troops out of Austria but the Soviets refused again like in Iran but soon they came to a compromise that Austria would never join NATO and therefore the Soviet troops leave with security in hands.

And soon an iron curtain proclaimed by Winston Churchill in 1947 as the previous Allies began to have deteriorating relations between the USSR and the Capitalist and Communists despised each other greatly and soon they would no longer come trusting to each other and soon they believed behind their back they were doing stuff to make them collapse but that was never going to happen. Soon after years of distrust they finally came to an unofficial declaration of the cold war that began in 1948...

To be Continued...

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