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This is now where the war turns fully against Germany as defeat after agonising defeat caused them to retreat further back into occupied territory and soon they would be forced to retreat into German territory where it would all be the end for Hitler's regime.

The Red army had pushed Germany back further and had recovered most of its lost territory and many of its lands in Ukraine and Belarus were retaken but still the Baltics remained in full control of German troops and power. But Finland who invaded in what they called the Continuation war but they began to force out Finnish occupation and forced them to back off their holdings and retreated into the heartland but to avoid destruction of the country they declared war on Germany and joined the Allies against them but half of the country had German troops in the centre and this was unacceptable to have so they were pushed out and forced back into occupied Norway where they were having no opportunities to reconquer Finland. But also the Red army had enclosed on Romania and the Fascist government was toppled by socialists and soon the country switched sides and declared war on Germany then was followed by Bulgaria as they sought to regain lost territory but there were still forces in occupied Greece which needed to be pulled out so they dont get cut off and lost so they pull them out and use them on the eastern front to hold the Soviets back but only Hungary remained as the last German ally to help Hitler fight onwards.

Hitler asked Franco Spain to join the war but because of the hard fought civil war against the Republicans they decided another huge war wasnt worth it and remained neutral for the rest of the war. Also the same went on for Sweden as they didnt want war and they hadn't fought for over a century last since the Napoleonic wars in 1815.

And by this time Italy was now out of Stalemate and began operations to overrun the Gustav line where Several countries were involved in the offensive:


And the Offensive was a successful campaign as the Germans could not hold their positions in Northern Italy and Rome fell into allied hands whilst Italian rebels in the North were causing chaos for the reinforcements coming to Italy and they were dealt with but still were causing danger behind enemy lines. Many of the Italian rebels were sentenced to death by shot to the head with a Luger handgun. Finally the Allies had to stop their advance as the Axis were now in tough positions to counterattack and a stalemate occured.

While in Asia Japan continued to encircle large areas of Chinese troops but they were now well supplied and equipped so they began their counterattacks to push the Japanese out of the Chinese mainland and D. Eisenhower wanted the full liberation of south east Asia to be quick and successful but there were many Japanese forts and stations on small islands like Okinawa as the Japanese fighting spirit was to die for the country and surrendering as a dishonorable act. So they fought to the very end of their power to protect the emperor and the Japanese mainland. But every battle done was going to cost the Americans many casualties so they thought of plan B if Japan fails to surrender to America which is use the nuclear weapon they had made to destroy their major cities. As the Americans launches massive bombing campaigns to destroy the wood cities and towns so they would be crippled of their major supplies.

However in Europe operation Overlord was a go as hundreds of thousands of troops on the southern English coast from a dozen countries around the world occupied or not were just waiting on the weather so they could see their positions needed to land on. But first paratroopers were launched to attack and cause damage behind enemy lines to capture key artillery bases, disrupt the reinforcements and block German communication to Berlin. Then the stormy weather came in and caused the Atlantic wall to be obscured but no military general was not expecting an allied attack in stormy weather but they were wrong as hundreds of battleships crossed the channel and bombarded the Atlantic wall causing disarray and confusion to the Axis but then after heavy bombardment for a few hours the troops landed in small automatic boats with machine guns on but many were bogged down by the German infamous MG-42 machine gun and thousands died in waves one after the other as 5 major points were where the allies landed on Omaha, Utah, Gold, Sword and Juno where British, American and Canadian soldiers all charges at the German walls of death but 4 out of 5 locations took the positions but Omaha had suffered greatly as a garrison of elite troops were still at the site if Omaha but eventually pressure from the other allies takings allowed them to eventually push out of the setback. Soon the British army took the large city of Caen and held strong positions but were not able to advance further because the Germans had reinforcements on the frontlines coming up to the battle between them.

Soon there was a break through by the Americans and they were loose in France with no resistance around them but when taking the main land there were still many holdouts in French ports that were mined so they took a long time to clear up the mess but now to the South the French resistance and American troops had landed in the Mediterranean and came across little to no resistance there whilst the allies in the north continued to push the Germans back further  into occupied territory where a French uprising in Paris caused the city to be freed from occupation and Paris was liberated. As the French began to mobilise their men again to help the Allies beat Germany.

Eventually, the Allies connected their fronts from north to south and the remaining troops in Southwest France were cut off and quickly captured. And then they were forced to retreat even further as the Allies were now in the end game with Germany.

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