#9 Got the voice owner

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Y/N's pov

i was working on my project but suddenly something felt wrong in my body and my head started to pain so bad, I can't understand what's happening to me suddenly, then i went to the dining table and drank some more water and my head pain increased i feel like vomiting and my eyes felt heavy but suddenly i heard a knock on the door i managed to go and open the door and saw that jerk again but i couldn't Control my balance and fell down but he caught me, i passed out

Y/N pov ends..

Tae- Fk y/n! open your eyes, shit what have i done- ahh kim Taehyung why are you so stupid why tf you had to do a prank with an useless brat like her, this is a pain in ass!

Taehyung's pov

i couldn't leave her alone so took her to my apartment and laid her on my bed covering her with the blanket, i hope she comes to her senses in time before anyone catch me and blame again everything on me but who knew she was underage and a kid she looks quite old for being an underage uff Taehyung why you did something so stupid

i was cursing myself but suddenly heard her voice, she was struggling with the blanket and rolling on the bed, wtaf is this she's even manner less while sleeping?? that's ridiculous!
then i came closer to her and looked at her face, her cheeks was so fluffy and it became red and she had rosy lips and a cute nose with doe eyes, omg she's so cute.. wait kim taehyung wth is wrong with you why are you admiring her! she is a pain in ass remember! suddenly she started making noises as she was in pain then i checked her temperature by hand, oh shit she has fever and ALL OF A SUDDEN!? what is she made from? leaves? why she's so sensitive??

I didn't knew what to do so i searched on internet about what to do while someone is suffering from fever and i did everything accordingly to what the internet told me and all i did was brought a wet towel and put it on her forehead and gentle rub her hand and cover her entire body with the blanket and provided warm all i could, she was trembling and i all i could do was hold her hand and rub it to warm it and at last she fell asleep and finally i was relieved, thank god she's okay now, she's so sensitive also look how she's sleeping like nothing happened, uhh

*phone rang*

I looked here and here but got no phone ringing then i looked at her and it was her phone which was ringing, it was inside her pant pocket and i brought it and picked up the call it was Xuvi, i told her that she had fever and she will stay at my home so xuvi came and checked on y/n and then went back to her apartment
i was busy adoring her tiny face then something came up in my mind, (if she's the same person i should try calling her) Yes i should, i dialled the number from that day and yes as expected y/n's phone rang and suddenly it made me mad but also relieved that it was her only but remembering what she said that said on call, it made me chuckle a little i mean she was talking so sweetly that day but look now she's just a rude ass manner less girl!

pov ends..

"Next morning"

Y/n- *stretching* Yeah what a good sleep, the bed is so comfy i will sleep some more,*laid again* suddenly realisation hit me, WAIT where am i?? this is not my apartment!? God what is happening with me and why is this towel is in my forehead!? who did this!!?

Taehyung heard y/n's voice and came to her after taking a shower in the same room, he was half naked and was looking dead gorgeous, looking at that you covered your eyes and told him to wear something, but rather than listening to you he came towards you and forwarded his hand and you closed your eyes tight just to feel his hand on you forehead touching it and his other hand touching his own forehead to check the temperature

Tae- hmm you're good now, so you can get out after eating breakfast here

Y/n- WHAT? can you explain me what happened and what am i doing here??

Tae- later, before that come to the dining table and eat your breakfast

Y/n- wh-

Tae- shut up and come after brushing!
there's a new brush and paste for you

y/n- wtf i feel like i got newly married to him uhh whatever

She did her morning routine and went to have breakfast being confused

Taehyung- oh you came, here sit *he point to the chair infront of him*

you did as he said and took a spoonful of the porridge that he made and it was amazingly good and you showed him the thumbs up which made him chuckle a little

Y/n- woah you can smile too?

Tae- off course not like you but i smile only at me being praised

Y/n- don't even start btw what am i doing here at your apartment, did you do something wrong with me mr?

Tae- *chocked on his food* Hey! mind what you say! do you really think I'm a guy who would do that some kind of things?? don't you realise how much of a gentleman I'm!? i just took care of you, you had fever yesterday

Y/n- what?? oh wait i remember

*It made taehyung uneasy*

Tae- huh? what did you remember!? *stuttering*

Y/n- after drinking the water given by you i felt so much pain in my head and felt weak, did you perhaps..

Tae- Wh- what!!?

Y/n- did you mix something in my water bottle?

Tae- n-no?

Y/n- yes you did it tasted like alcohol

Tae- how did you know that it tasted like alcohol!? aren't you like underage kid??

Y/n- what the fuck taehyung!?

Taehyung smiled as she called him by his name, but suddenly his smile fade when he realised she was swearing at him

Tae- What!?

Y/n- who told you I'm a kid huh? do i look like a kid to you?

Tae- You're!

Y/n- You know what you're bad at judging people's age just by looking at them i mean ok if you got wrong by just 1-2 older or younger in age but what do you actually mean by KID!? do kids read in university or you never went to one before? how come you're so useless?

Tae- so how old are you?

Y/n- I'm 19 already and will be 20 soon

Tae- woah you look young actually but you're quite old

Y/n- you definitely lack manner wait what do you mean by Old? I'm just 19

Tae- still a kid anyway right?

Y/n- what about you then??

Tae- wait forget about me, how come you said that you taste alcohol in it i mean how do you know what alcohol tastes like??

Y/n- uhh- well.. Hey It's none of your business ok!

Tae- here you go again with those manner less talks, be mature y/n also stop pranking people calling them unknowingly and disturbing them

y/n- wait how did you- no way don't tell me you're the same person i talked to that day?

Tae- i guess so

Y/n- Hey tell me, that was you right???

Tae- Yes and you disturb-

Y/n- I'm sorry

Tae- woah wha-

Y/n- look I'm so sorry for that, it was all done by Xuvi, she forced me

Tae- oh ok forgave you *not that easily manner less brat*

Y/n- damn that easily? you? haha unbelievable but ok *straight face*

Tae- you're quite interesting

Y/n- yes i know, also what you were talking about yesterday?? what i will know about you and your name?

Tae- oh yea you will see that later

Y/n- huh? ok *confusingly*

Hope you liked it! let's find out what taehyung will do later for her to know, if you like my ff, comment and let me know till then take care :]

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