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Baton Rouge

Nina Simmons, 22

The day before Nina's baby shower she started to have really bad contractions so Sincere took her to the hospital.

She was already 9 centimeters dilated so it was almost time for her to push. Unfortunately they had to cancel their baby shower because they obviously wouldn't be able to make it.

Most women wanted their boyfriends away from them while they pushed but Nina wanted Sincere right next to her.

"You gone be ite baby." Sincere spoke kissing her forehead while he held her hand. "It hurts so bad Sincere." She whined

"I need drugs bruh." Nina finally admitted because she swore up and down she could do it naturally. "It's too late for that, i'm sorry but we can't give you anything sweetheart." The nurse spoke.

Nina busted out into tears feeling a lot of pressure on her lower body. The contractions had only gotten worse as time went on.

"Okay Nina you can start to push now. Take a deep breath then push, stop when I say stop okay?"

"Uh huh" She nodded

Nina took a deep breath and grunted, pushing as hard as she could. "I can't!" She spoke after she stopped.

"You have to Nina. Take a few deep breaths then push again." The doctor instructed.

Nina did what she was told and squeezed Sincere's hand really hard as she felt the baby starting to come out.

"Baby you gotta breathe- Sincere just hush okay? I am fucking breathing." She cut him off.

"My bad" He mumbled "You're not breathing when you push. Give her an oxygen mask."

Another nurse came over to her and put an oxygen mask over her nose. Nina focused on her breathing then continued pushing.

"Ouch!" She screeched in pain. "I can't" Nina sobbed while shaking her head.

She then let Sincere's hand go and held onto the bed so she could sit up a little. "Baby where you tryna go?" Sincere asked as she tried getting up.

"I'm leaving, move out my way."

"You off det gas it got you cutting up. Baby you can't go nowhere lay back. Just push a few more times n you done. I'm here witchu." He responded pushing her back.

"But you don't have to push an 8 pound baby out of your vagina I do! So don't tell me what to do!" She snapped right before she started sobbing again.

"Just get her out of me please!" Nina begged the doctor laying back on the bed. "We will, you have to work with us though. You can't try to get up again."

"I'm sorry doctor but i'm in pain right now I don't know what to do with myself."

The doctor gave her a break for a few more minutes then she continued to push until Passion slid out.

Her cried pierced everyone's ears. Nina sighed deeply feeling very relieved.

Later that day when Nina woke up from her nap she was very refreshed. Sincere had been up the whole time keeping his eyes on Passion.

"You tryna hold her?" He asked eagerly. "No, she's sleeping Sin." Nina laughed a little.

"So what? She need her mama, you gotta feed her sheon wanna drink from da bottle."

"Okay let me see her then. Ion have no missed calls from my parents or nothing?" She asked as he approached her. "You did but I told everybody you gone call them when we go home tomorrow."

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