She placed one in her ear and decided to be courteous and offer one to Jack, a small lopsided grin on her face as she did so. The boy was anxious, glancing at the earbud in between two of Daphne's fingers before looking at the girl with confusion.

"You place it in your ear." She pointed to the one she had placed in her ear before urging for Jack to take the other. Motioning with one hand, she guided the boy into putting the earbud in his ear before she looked to her phone. A small sigh escaped her lips as her finger pressed down on a certain song she had longed to listen to. Nothing Else Matters by Metallica began to play, and she watched the boy flinch before his blue eyes glowed a bright amber. "It's alright, okay? It's music."


"Yeah." She grinned, mouthing the lyrics and bopping her head a little at she continued to walk. Jack watched her in fascination before looking at where he was going. He was learning so many things, too many things, and yet he grinned and bopped his own head along to the tune. He would admit, he rather like this so called music thing.


Daybreak had befallen the two wanderers as they travelled along the main road. Daphne's feet began to get sore only three hours ago whilst her eyes were finding it rather impossible to stay open. It soon led to her movements becoming rather sluggish.

"Daphne?" Jack's voice was laced with concern as he pulled the pair of them to a swift stop. He moved himself to stand in front of her, his hands grasping her shoulders with a gentle but comforting touch whilst his blue eyes desperately searched her face for any signs of what was wrong. "Wh-what's wrong? I don't...Daphne?"

"I'm tired." Her voice was a slightly coarse whisper. Her throat was dry after the prolonged seperation from being hydrated and her stomach growled with a furious hunger. She winced, a nauseating feeling of being hungry filled her as soon as she had stopped. "Hungry. Thirsty." She continued to list off what she figured was wrong, but she was no doctor. "I'm almost seeing two of you." Jack looked around in uncertaintly, fearful of her words but her soft giggles made him frown and look back towards her. "It's a saying you poor, innocent soul." She gently tapped her hand against his cheek before her eyes widened and she gripped Jack's chin, forcing him to look at what she had seen.

In front of them, just on the other side of the trees, was a small diner. It was blue and white in colour whilst they could see a drive-through sign saying "Pirate Pete's Jolly Treats" with a pirate statue posed beside it. Daphne found herself snorting at the sight of the parrot on the statue's shoulder and in her exhausted state, she lazily pointed at the statue and spoke.

"Bet Blackbeard wants his bird back."

"Blackbeard?" Jack questioned, but Daphne rolled her eyes exasperatedly before she began to walk - more like limp at this point - towards the diner. Her jacket (as well as a cut off shirt of Dean's) was drenched in sweat and her jeans were caked in mud from when she had knelt beside Castiel's body. Her hair, an unruly and rather chaotic birds nest along with the darkening bags beneath her eyes made her look like some form of squatter, which she didn't much appreciate, but she was also too tired to give a damn.

Daphne was pulled to a stop by Jack, of whom was staring at the pirate statue with confusion.

"Father?" He called out, and Daphne had to squint and lean her head forwards in an attempt at understanding what the Nephilim meant. She couldn't tell whether her tiredness was making her delusional or not, and so she looked towards the pirate statue and then towards Jack. She repeated the motions several times until a voice through the speaker made her jump.

"Yo, uh..." a man, probably no older than her, spoke out. "We're not open yet." There was a slight crackle coming through and in all honesty, Daphne felt like laughing. She knows that Jack didn't kow any better, however, there was something so laughable about the fact that poor little Jack thought that the statue was his dad.

"Father." He then said and this time, Daphne Winchester slapped a hand to her face and shook her head. She couldn't believe what was happening. She was stood next to the son of Satan whilst he called a pirate statue his father. It was pure lunacy! And yet she also didn't care.

"Jack, sweetie, that's not your dad." She finally said, her hand hestitantly grabbing his shoulder. The blue eyed boy looked towards her and frowned in more confusion than before, his brows pinching together deeply.

"Why would you come here, then?"

"Because it's the first damn sign of civilization we've had for what feels like a hundred damn miles!" Her voice became raised, her hands outstretched before they slapped her thighs. Her chest heaved before she ducked her head down, shaking it in the process. "I'm....i'm sorry, alright? I-i've had a shit couple days."

"Because of me?" He asked, and she stared at him. It was technically his fault, but what was worse, was that in reality it wasn't. Lucifer is the one that sired the boy. Jack certainly didn't impregnate his own mother, that would be highly illegal, frowned upon and purely wrong. And so, with the conclusion in plain sight, Daphne shook her head before she tilted it to the side and rested against Jack's shoulder.

"No, Jack, not because of you." They stayed like that for a little while. Jack was staring intently at the statue and yet he refused to move a muscle. He glanced towards Daphne every once in a while and he saw her eyes flutter closed, stay closed for a few seconds before snapping open quickly, as though she were jolted awake.

This went on for quite a while. Time was nonexistent in her exhausted mind, and yet the sound of a vehicle pulling up made her frown and slowly raise her head from Jack's shoulder and looked towards the carpark. With a wincing look, she saw the car pull up.

"Well fuck."



heyy how was it?

𝐍𝐈𝐆𝐇𝐓 𝐌𝐎𝐕𝐄𝐒 | 𝘑𝘢𝘤𝘬 𝘒𝘭𝘪𝘯𝘦On viuen les histories. Descobreix ara