Quiet Respite

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“If you’ve been up all night and cried till you have no more tears left in
you – you realise what physical labour breathing is and when your done, you will know that there comes in the end a sort of quietness. It makes You feel as if nothing is ever going to happen again.”

                              EsaxIn the depths of grief, every breath becomes a battle—a struggle against the weight of sorrow that threatens to crush the spirit

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In the depths of grief, every breath becomes a battle—a struggle against the weight of sorrow that threatens to crush the spirit. The air feels thick, heavy, as if each inhalation is a laborious effort to draw in oxygen amidst the suffocating grip of despair. Tears stream down cheeks, mingling with the salt of sweat, as the body heaves with the effort of mourning. Each sob is accompanied by a ragged gasp, a desperate attempt to fill lungs that feel as though they are collapsing in on themselves.

It's as if the very act of breathing has become an act of defiance—a refusal to succumb to the suffocating embrace of grief. But despite the effort, despite the determination to soldier on, there is a sense of futility that hangs heavy in the air. Each breath is a reminder of the emptiness that lingers in the wake of loss, a hollow echo of the life that once was.

And yet, amidst the turmoil of grief, there are moments of respite—brief interludes of quietude that offer a fleeting sense of peace. In those moments, the world seems to fade away, the pain recedes into the background, and for a brief instant, there is a reprieve from the relentless onslaught of sorrow. It's a fragile peace, a delicate balance on the edge of a precipice, knowing that at any moment, it could be shattered by the next wave of grief.

But even in the midst of that temporary peace, there is a sense of foreboding—a knowledge that the calm is only temporary, that the storm will inevitably return with renewed ferocity. It's a realization that lingers in the back of the mind, casting a shadow over even the briefest moments of respite. And yet, despite the inevitability of the pain that lies ahead, there is a stubborn determination to savor those moments of peace, however fleeting they may be.

In the end, the quietness that follows the storm is not a true peace, but rather a fragile ceasefire—a momentary lull in the battle against grief. It's a time to catch one's breath, to gather strength for the trials that lie ahead, knowing that the journey through grief is long and arduous, but that there is hope on the horizon. And so, with each ragged breath, each choked sob, there is a recognition that even in the darkest of times, there is the potential for healing and renewal.


In the symphony of life, embrace the dissonance,
For it is in the chaos that we find our resonance.
You are not broken, just a work in progress,
A masterpiece in the making, beautiful and flawless.

Feelings of turmoil, of being inside out,
Are simply echoes of the human condition, no doubt.
Embrace them, acknowledge them, for they are real,
But know that they do not define how you feel.

You are allowed to stumble, to falter, to fall,
For it is through adversity that we stand tall.
Embrace your humanity, your flaws, your scars,
For they are the tapestry that makes you who you are.

So let go of the notion of perfection,
And embrace the beautiful mess that is your reflection.
You are not defective, just beautifully flawed,
A shining example of humanity, unmarred.

So stand tall, dear friend, and embrace your truth,
For it is in embracing our imperfections that we find our youth.
You are human, imperfect, and that's okay,
For it is in our brokenness that we find our way.

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