Eternal Scars

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"There are wounds that never show on the body that are more deep and hurtful than anything that bleeds."
"Depression is like a bruise. A bruise in your mind. You just got to be careful to not touch where it hurts."

                             EsaxIn the vast expanse of human existence, there exists a realm of pain untouched by the gaze of the world, concealed within the recesses of the soul

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In the vast expanse of human existence, there exists a realm of pain untouched by the gaze of the world, concealed within the recesses of the soul. These wounds, invisible to the naked eye, run deeper than the crimson flow of blood, penetrating the very essence of our being. They are the silent screams of a tortured mind, echoing in the labyrinthine corridors of despair. They are the bruises of the psyche, the scars of unseen battles fought in the shadows of the self.

Depression, like a chronic wound, festers within the confines of the mind, a relentless affliction that refuses to yield to the passage of time. It is an insidious presence, a constant companion that lingers even in the moments of supposed respite. Like a wound that never fully heals, depression throbs with a persistent ache, a haunting reminder of its enduring presence.

To navigate the landscape of depression is to navigate a terrain littered with the debris of shattered dreams and fractured hopes. It is a journey fraught with pitfalls and obstacles, where even the faintest glimmer of light is obscured by the looming shadows of despair. Each step forward is met with resistance, each attempt to move beyond the pain thwarted by the weight of its oppressive grip.

And yet, despite our best efforts to shield ourselves from the agony that lurks within, depression remains a constant presence, an ever-present shadow haunting the corners of our consciousness. It whispers cruel lies, distorting reality into a grotesque caricature of despair. It weighs heavily upon the spirit, casting a pall of hopelessness over even the brightest moments of joy.

In the silent depths of our suffering, we are consumed by a sense of futility, a profound emptiness that gnaws at the edges of our sanity. We seek solace in fleeting distractions, in the numbing embrace of substances or the false promises of temporary relief. But the wound of depression remains, a festering sore that refuses to be ignored, leaving behind scars that ache with the memory of past pain.

To confront depression is to confront the darkest corners of our own psyche, to stare into the abyss of despair and find no solace, no reprieve. It is a journey fraught with peril, a descent into the depths of despair from which few emerge unscathed. And yet, it is a journey we must undertake, for to deny the existence of our pain is to deny the very essence of our humanity.

So we press on, weary travelers in a land of perpetual twilight, our hearts heavy with the weight of our own suffering. We cling to fragile threads of hope, weaving them into a tapestry of resilience against the backdrop of despair. And though the wound of depression may never fully heal, we persevere, drawing strength from the very depths of our despair, knowing that we are not alone in our struggle.


Remainder :
In the dance of life, we find our way,
Amidst the bubbles, where dreams sway.
Sunshine kisses, warm and bright,
Chasing away the shadows of night.

When rain falls, and sorrows weigh,
Cross your heart, let hope light the way.
For in the darkness, a spark ignites,
Guiding us through the darkest nights.

Sometimes the lead feels too much to bear,
But lift your gaze, for lightness is near.
With every step, you'll find your stride,
In the rhythm of life, let love be your guide.

So let the bubbles of joy rise high,
As sunshine and rain paint the sky.
In every moment, let your spirit soar,
For in your heart, you hold the key to more.

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