Opaque Agony

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"In the shadowed depths of my soul, there resides a tumultuous sea of despair, its waves crashing relentlessly against the shores of my existence. Within this vast expanse, a fire rages, consuming the very air in my lungs, leaving behind only smoldering embers where once there was ease of breath.

My bones, once stalwart pillars of strength, now falter under the weight of sorrow, each step a struggle against the gravity of my own desolation. Misery, like a poison, courses through the delicate network of my veins, staining every inch of my being with its bitter essence.

Yet, amidst this storm of anguish, I remain unseen, my suffering veiled behind a facade of normalcy. To the outside world, I am but a silhouette, a mere echo of the vibrant soul I once was, my inner turmoil hidden beneath a mask of stoic indifference. And so I wander, lost in the labyrinth of my own despair, yearning for a glimmer of light to pierce the darkness that envelops me." - someone who was best friends with me 💔.
( don't do this please! There are people that care about you so.... Don't....)


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In the intricate tapestry of human emotions, there exists a realm where darkness reigns supreme, where the weight of despair can shroud even the brightest of souls in its suffocating embrace. It is within this realm that one finds themselves submerged, drowning in a sea of anguish that knows no bounds.

Imagine, if you will, the sensation of standing on the precipice of a vast ocean, the tumultuous waves crashing against the rocky shores with relentless force. Each wave carries with it a symphony of sorrow, a cacophony of despair that threatens to engulf all who dare to venture too close. This is the sea of despair that resides within the depths of their soul, a tempestuous expanse where hope is but a distant memory, and the darkness reigns supreme.

Within this realm, a fire rages, consuming the very air in their lungs with its searing intensity. It is a fire born of pain and suffering, fueled by the relentless onslaught of life's trials and tribulations. With each breath, they feel its flames licking at the edges of their consciousness, leaving behind only smoldering embers where once there was ease of breath.

But it is not only the lungs that bear the burden of this inferno; it is the bones as well. Once stalwart pillars of strength, they now falter under the weight of sorrow, each step a struggle against the gravity of their own desolation. It is as if their shackled to the earth, unable to break free from the chains of their own suffering.

And yet, it is not only their physical being that bears the scars of this relentless onslaught; it is their very essence, there soul, that is stained with the bitter residue of misery. Like a poison coursing through the delicate network of their veins, it taints every inch of their being, leaving behind only a hollow shell of the person they once was. Hope, happiness, youth, everything down the drain and lost in a uncertain sea.

But perhaps the most insidious aspect of this affliction is the fact that it remains unseen to those around them. To the outside world, they are nothing but a silhouette, a mere echo of the vibrant soul they once was. Behind a mask of stoic indifference, they hide the true extent of their suffering, unwilling to burden others with the weight of their despair.

And so they wander, lost in the labyrinth of their own despair, searching desperately for a glimmer of light to pierce the suffocating darkness that envelops them. Each day is a battle, a relentless struggle against the invisible forces that seek to drag them further into the abyss.

In the mundane routines of daily life, the echoes of their inner turmoil reverberate with haunting clarity. Simple tasks become Herculean feats, each step forward weighed down by the anchor of despair. Mundane chores, like washing dishes or folding laundry, feel like Sisyphean endeavors, endlessly repetitive and devoid of purpose.

Even in moments of supposed joy, the specter of despair looms large, casting a shadow over every fleeting moment of happiness. Laughter rings hollow, tinged with the bitter taste of sorrow, and smiles falter beneath the weight of unshed tears.

At times, the pain becomes so overwhelming that it feels as though its suffocating them, as if the very air around them has turned to lead. They gasp for breath, their chests tight with the weight of unspoken words and unshed tears, but no relief comes. Each inhalation is a struggle, a battle against the invisible hands that seek to crush the life from their lungs.


And yet, despite the darkness that threatens to consume them, there are moments of fleeting respite. In the gentle caress of a loved one's hand or the warmth of a sunbeam breaking through the clouds, they find small moments of solace amidst the storm.

It is in these moments that they cling to hope, however fragile it may be. For even in the darkest of nights, there exists the promise of dawn, a beacon of light to guide them through the darkness.

So they press on, one weary step at a time, clinging to the belief that someday, somehow, the shadows will lift, and the light will once again shine bright. Until then, they remain adrift in the sea of despair, a silent sentinel awaiting the dawn.


"In the depths of despair, reaching out isn't a sign of weakness; it's a testament to strength. Amidst the darkness, where shadows threaten to engulf us whole, it takes immense courage to extend a hand, to utter those three vulnerable words: 'I need help.'

Yet, in that moment of vulnerability, there lies a glimmer of hope. For in reaching out, we open ourselves to the possibility of connection, of support, of a guiding light in the midst of the storm.

Though the journey may be arduous, and the path ahead obscured by uncertainty, know this: you are not alone. Together, we can weather the tempest, standing shoulder to shoulder as we navigate the tumultuous seas of life.

And as we journey onward, know that brighter days await on the horizon. The sun may be obscured by clouds now, but soon it will break through, casting its warm embrace upon our weary souls.

So hold fast to hope, dear friend, and know that better days are coming. With each step forward, with each hand extended in kindness, we inch ever closer to the light at the end of the tunnel. And when we finally emerge, battered but unbowed, we'll look back upon this journey with gratitude, for it was through the darkness that we found our way to the dawn."


Alternatively: ( shorter so that some can understand easier)

"Strength lies not in solitude, but in the courage to reach out. Though shadows may loom large, brighter days await. Together, we'll navigate the storm, and emerge stronger, for the dawn is just beyond the horizon."

Sry for not posting earlier.
A friend of mine died yesterday and I've been crying the whole day and didn't have the motivation to do anything so I just couldn't do it.
Please forgive any mistakes in the book since I believe there's plenty but pls understand that I just wrote this to vent.
I don't have the energy to correct it but it'll get better soon.

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