I looked down at the cat, and she was looking right back at me. I wonder if, somewhere in the world, she too was lying unconscious.

The line got shorter and shorter as we went along, and ahead of me were 3 doors.

Two had to mean you either live or you die and move on to Thanatos, but what was the third one for?

The little kid stepped in front of me when we were almost at the doors, and I was grateful.

I watched as he walked up to the first door at the far right corner and twisted the Knob. It didn't open.

He sighed and stepped to the other one in the middle and did the same thing, but it still didn't open.

He looked over his shoulder and stared at me, then shook his head.

I guess he meant the last door was death. I gave the child a sad smile, and he took a deep breath before walking slowly to the last door at the far left. He twisted the knob and the door opened.

He looked at me for one last time, and I could see the tears that streamed down his face. I wanted to do something, like grab him and run or anything, but he stepped in, and the door slammed shut.

I quickly looked behind me, and the people that were in line didn't seem affected at all.

They were all just looking at me. fear and panic overtook me, and I came out of the line.

The people started to shake their heads in sync, and I paused and looked at them.

They pointed at the doors, and I looked back at them.

It was either the doors or I sat here forever with no way of leaving.

I knew the last door meant death, but which door meant I got to live?

I slowly walked up to the middle door, holding on to the cat tightly, but not tight enough for me to hurt her.

I looked at all the doors and decided that the one the child went through should be my first option.

Getting the bad door out the way should be better.

I walked up to the door, and my heart drummed in my chest. I reached out to grip the metal knob and stared at it for a few seconds.

This could be it.

I slowly turned the knob but it didn't work.

It didn't open.

I released the breath I was holding and walked to the door at the right.

If the left was death, the right must be the one to go back.

I repeated the same action as I did with the door of death, but sadly, it didn't open, which meant the middle door would.

I looked down at the cat, and she looked at the door, I walked up to it and twisted the knob. The door opened, and a bright light made me immediately close my eyes and place my hands over the cat's eyes too.

I stepped into the room and popped an eye open to check if it was still bright. Once I saw that the light was gone, I removed my hand from the cat.

The room looked exactly like the one I was just in, but empty.

I was speechless. I nearly had a heart attack when I opened the first door just to end up in a slightly smaller room like the one I was previously in.

The door opened and shut again, and I turned to look who came in.

A boy around my height was looking at the door with sagged shoulders. He was wearing full white, and his hair was white, too. Even though he was turned away from me, he still reminded me of...

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