Shubble thing - not a chapter

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I did just heard about the Wilbur and Shubble situation and I am not shocked to be honest.

From the day I started watching Wilbur Soot I knew that this guy has some anger issues/problems with violence and ect. Or he's a big sadist.

And knew it because I also have seriuos anger issues and violence problems that I knew agresive people by my sight.

I'm not saying that this exuses his behaviour in any way, but we should take in shot that if he has agresive problems or is a big sadist, the therapy he is taking is the best thing he could do.

From my point of view I also sometime without knowing hurt my beautiful girlfriend but I can't much stop it.

Sometimes there are times when in my head snaps and I am a complete different person and I hurt so many people and mainly my girlfriend.

So I am the perfect person to better understand if Wilbur has these kinds of snaps if his head.

But if he dosen't have those snaps and is just being abusive I don't think he will ever be in a happy relationship or normally happy. His past himself will slowly kill himself.

I'm no saing what he did was bad. It was horriable. I know some people who been thro some abusive parenting or realitonship and the people are broken and have zero comfidence to even breathe cuz their abusive parents/partners made them believe that they're nothing and they are worth nothing.

I hope this is not Shubbles story. She should not be blamed by herself if she said Wilbur to his face to stop and he didn't stop biting her or whatever else he did.

And just to say about Wilburs tweet... I mean is this a joke? Bro is talking like if womans crying from pain you are causing her that she loves it and she gave you her concept? Like wtf?

I hope Shubble didn't 'colored' her stories to look more as a victim and I hope Wilbur would do an NORMAL apology where he actually says sorry and add some thing that weren't said. It could be what happened, waht he thought was a playfull games or hows his menatal health. Because no one with ok brain does those kind of things.

I still believe Wilbur has the balls to say what he did and if he has violence problems/anger issues/sadistic issues I hope his therapy will be as good as mine and this behavior will never be continued by him or anybody he know.

As I can say by myself I believe Wilbur has changed from now on at least for a bit. I still believe in his good luck (that don't contain hurting other people) and his happines (that aslo don't make him hurt people).

I hope Shubble will cure this scar and she will continue happy life and I hope Wilburs therapy to end the best.

I am truly sad about losing another of my creators that I watched in my lonely nights and this all things brought me to one question.

What would Techno thought about it?

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