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I was left with no one else but Karl, I couldn't rely on anyone else but him. I wanted to give up on this whole death threat situation. It was embarrassing that they couldn't even say it to me in person.

"Try doing this. Poison him with annoyingness. Be that typical girl who annoys him. Test his endurance, and when you find his weak spot, hit him hard. Simply? Force him to voluntarily step down from that position," Karl smiled as he told me his diabolical plan. I couldn't help but agree. He always knew how to advise.

"Thanks, Karl. I love you," I smiled and hugged him. I really love him. And I probably care much more about him than about Wilbur. I kicked him off the date. I knew if he didn't click with Dream, it wouldn't lead anywhere. If I manage to get rid of him, I might go back to him and even happily.

So I took him shopping. I don't like shopping, but when it came to poisoning, I was all in.

That day, I crawled out of bed at four in the morning. I planned to wake him up, annoy him all day, and there were a few aces up my sleeve I could use. I gave him a very complicated coffee order, and even though at first he said it wasn't in his job description, without saying a word, he brought me the exact order.

But we were just getting started.

I took him to the studio where I was recording my new song for the new album, and then I started dragging him around the city. We walked around in circles, and I didn't shut up. I constantly nagged him, and we went to stores where I bought absolutely unnecessary clothes and any other crap, but mainly, I made him carry all my bags.

What annoyed me the most was that he didn't even get tired. He kept walking the same way, and I couldn't see where he was looking because he wore sunglasses. But he walked everywhere after me.

We went shopping, and I wanted his opinion on any clothes or anything, but "giving opinions on your things or clothes is not in my job description." I hated that sentence, and I feel like I'll develop an allergy to it someday. At least if he relaxed a bit or something. Yes, he's still professional, which I should be grateful for, but I need some fun too. Not just professionalism.

So I pulled another ace out of my sleeve. I 'fell' and 'sprained my ankle,' so he had to carry me on his back. Along the way, I couldn't help but notice envious looks from both men and women. Yeah, my young bodyguard was handsome and deserved a lot of attention.

And what did Dream think of that? Nothing. He carried me, and it didn't throw him off track. He was still as strong as that damn tank! If not stronger.

So I gave up on that. I have one last thing that will work. I grabbed my bags and went to the bathroom, where I simply escaped through the window. Good thing it was on the ground floor. Otherwise, I couldn't have executed my plan.

As soon as I was sure I had lost him, I went to the orphanage and gave them all the clothes, toys, and small decorations to make some kids happy. They were happy, and we took some pictures, signed a few things, and chatted for a while.

Meanwhile, as we talked, Karl sent me a picture of Wilbur passionately kissing and groping a guy behind the cinema. Alex. Yeah, he used to be in love with him. It dawned on me that he might still be into him.

I immediately sent Wilbur a message that we were done and that I wished him luck with Alex. I was long over Wilbur. Maybe I was annoyed that he didn't tell me, but I won't mention it to Dream, or he'll be sour again.

Wilbur immediately started apologizing and calling me, so I blocked him. Problem solved. I don't want to deal with him at school, and if he tries to approach me, Dream will take care of it.

So I went to the party. I couldn't do anything else. I had to celebrate my breakup.

Everything was fine until I noticed someone was watching me. It was Dream. I don't understand how he found me. He's really good at his job.

I didn't bother with him and kept dancing. He sat there and kept watching me. I subtly approached him and ordered him hard liquor.

So what? I need to see how he behaves with a hangover. Maybe I'll find out how he behaves normally, without his work professionalism.

783 words

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