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I didn't worry that I might overdo him with alcohol. Because if anything happened, I would plead for him with my parents so they wouldn't fire him, and besides, I don't drink, so I'll have him under my protective wing.

"Drink it, or I'll tell my parents you lost me," I told him again. I need to make him drink it. Otherwise, I won't get a better chance to get under his skin.

"I can't, sir. Drinking is strictly forbidden during working hours," Dream said. He still had his sunglasses on, but I could tell he was watching me. I felt like his eyes were shining on me. I might have figured out they'll be green because these yellow eyes are rare.

"Do it," I said, pushing it under his nose. "Pleeeease." I gave him puppy eyes. Not many people resist them, and Dream was no exception. He sighed and drank the strong alcohol.

To my surprise, his face twisted into a disgusted grimace. I liked that the booze on his face showed emotions, so I ordered two more.

I don't know how, but I made him drink five strong shots. He didn't seem affected by it, but as soon as he took off his sunglasses, his pupils dilated, and he began to breathe heavily.

It was clear he felt weird. I wasn't sure if Dream was drunk or if something else was going on with him. He looked disoriented and strangely eyed everyone around. I noticed his heartbeat had accelerated, and he seemed drugged.

"What was in that drink?" I asked, watching him pull out a box from his pocket. "Do you have allergies or something?" I asked, alarmed. Something was wrong, and I didn't like it. I was scared... for Dream? Probably for Dream.

"Someone spiked it with something. Probably drugs. Each had a part. A moment," Dream said, opening the box. There were two syringes inside. One empty and the other with a strange liquid.

He rolled up the sleeve of his black t-shirt and injected himself with the syringe into his arm. It made me sick because I don't like blood, but I still watched him.

Then he pulled out the syringe and placed it on the box. Then he took the one with the liquid and injected it into the spot next to it.

"What is that?" I asked as he hid the box with the blood and the empty syringe. He looked relieved, but he didn't look much better.

"It's a substance that effectively neutralizes drugs and alcohol in the body. I always have to stay sober. If you drank this, it would be worse because it's unknown how you would react to it," Dream said, rubbing his temples. I was glad it would help him, but at the same time, I didn't like that someone spiked my drink.

We sat there for a while, and Dream seemed to be dealing with something. And I let him.

"Go dance some more. Don't let me ruin it for you. Just don't take drinks from anyone," Dream said, looking me in the eyes. His pupils were the same size, but there was something different in his eyes. There was something more. I saw it.

"Really? Shouldn't I be with you?" I wanted to make sure he was okay.

"We're here because of you. So go enjoy it," he urged me towards the dance floor. He didn't even smile. His expression said it all. He just didn't care. He didn't care that he had just been drugged, but most importantly, he didn't care that I shouldn't worry about him. I don't even know why I care. He's just a stupid bodyguard.

I didn't dwell on it and started having fun. Yes, I checked on him occasionally, but he didn't seem particularly interested. I just felt sorry that someone drugged him because that's cause of me. Nothing more.

Closing time at the bar was approaching, and Dream and I headed outside. It was already dark outside, so we relied on the street lamps. I won't make it to school tomorrow. Well, today, rather.

I'm not sure exactly how it happened, but within a second, we were in a dark alley, and Dream was pinned to the ground by masked people.

I was pushed against the wall by one person, and he held me tightly. It was a man; I could tell because of the men's cologne mixed with alcohol emanating from him. He smelled terribly of alcohol and seemed like he didn't even know what he was doing.

"Hey! Let him go-" I didn't finish my sentence because one of the people shoved a cloth into my mouth to silence me. If Dream can't handle them, we're screwed. I started squirming and trying to break free from his grip, but the man was stronger. He started groping me and pressing against me heavily.

"Now listen to me. If you resist, it will hurt," the man said, and I looked at Dream, who was struggling quite hard. It's only a matter of time before he rescues me, I hope. I trust him to have something prepared.

"I haven't done anything to you. Leave me alone," I said with a trembling voice, trying to get away.

"Nothing will happen to you. As long as you don't resist," the man said, caressing my cheek. I noticed Dream's blood was boiling in his veins. He was supposed to protect me, and he messed up, so it was clear he was trying to get me to safety.

The man started touching me. He was like Wilbur, but this one wouldn't take no for an answer like Wilbur.

But suddenly, someone threw him off. It was Dream. He saved me. As he should according to his job description.

"Are you okay?" he asked me with a worried expression, examining me.

"Thanks," I said and looked at his condition. He already had a nicely defined slap mark on his face, and he had scratches on his face, some of which were bleeding. But it wasn't anything serious.

But then there was a loud noise, as if a glass bottle had hit someone's head. Within seconds, Dream fell to the ground and whimpered, so I saw a guy holding the neck of the bottle in his hand, and the rest was in shards all around.

And then I started fighting back. I've never fought and never intended to, but he hurt Dream, and that awakened the killer instinct in me.

Well, I just kicked him hard in the crotch and punched him.

"That wasn't bad at all," Dream said and got up. Immediately, he leaned against the wall and held his head. He was drowning in headaches, and he had a cut on his head from the bottle.

"Let's go home," I said and supported him. We're going straight home now. Hopefully, that hit won't be anything serious.

1112 words

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