Medication help

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As soon as we got to our house, Dream automatically headed to the bathroom for the first aid kit.

"No way. Sit on the couch," I said, pointing to the couch. I knew he had to listen to me.

Sure enough, he did. He sat on the couch, still holding his head. He didn't have his usual stone-cold expression; instead, he looked tired and winced in pain. I had never seen him let his guard down like this before. Suddenly, he was injured, and maybe even had a concussion.

"It's nothing, you don't have to take care of me," Dream said as I brought the disinfectant and a small first aid kit. The scratches won't be a problem, but that head wound worried me.

"Quiet there. I don't want anything worse to happen to you," I said, looking at his hair. He had a few cuts there, and I carefully removed some small shards hiding among his hair.

"That hurts," Dream said coldly, flinching. I had probably found the spot where he was hit with the bottle. I gently combed through his hair to remove all the tiny shards. I ignored his painful groans; I had to do this.

"You've got a cut here. It'll need a lot of disinfectant," I said, taking cotton swabs and dipping them in disinfectant.

I started cleaning the small cuts on his head, listening to his quiet groans, muffled by biting his lip. I don't know why, but I found it strangely appealing. I had never seen him show so much emotion before. It was painful emotion, but it was better than his usual stoic face devoid of any emotion.

The head wound was done, and I could look at his face. He had scratches from nails, a slap, and a bruise on his right cheek and under his left eye.

"Thanks for saving me," I smiled and touched his bruised cheek. Dream winced in pain and closed his eyes. I felt sorry for him. He shouldn't end up like this. He should be flying behind me and annoying me, not being beaten up.

"That's in my job description. I'm your bodyguard," he replied in a neutral tone. He was so distant. He showed me some emotion, and now it's gone again. Great.

"But seriously! Sometimes you're just a workaholic. Thanks for saving me. It doesn't matter that it's your job, just thanks. You're my hero," I winked at him and took out some bruise ointment from the first aid kit. I couldn't miss the fact that he blushed and bit his lip again.

"You don't have to take care of me. No one expects you to," Dream said when I held the ointment in my hand.

"But I want to," I said and put some ointment on my fingers. "Now this might sting a bit," I warned him and applied the ointment to his cheek. I tried to be gentle to avoid hurting him more. "You're doing great, Dream. It's almost done," I smiled as I finished his cheek.

But as soon as I touched the area under his left eye, his hand was suddenly on mine, holding it a safe distance from the bruise.

I just smiled and pulled his hand towards me, kissing the back of Dream's hand. It caught him off guard, and he blushed deeply. He nervously laughed. He had the most adorable laugh I had ever heard. "That's a weird name, George. Isn't it, Gogy?" I couldn't help it, but 'Gogy' was the cutest and best nickname ever.

"That's nice. So I'm your Gogy," I smiled and kissed his hair.

I didn't understand what had happened or what that kiss meant, or his behavior in general. I didn't know what I dared to do to him or what happened to Dream.

Partly I blamed it on the drugs and the head injury, but my other part said he liked me.

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