𝟑. 𝐀𝐬𝐡𝐞𝐬

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There I was, sleeping peacefully, and out of the blue my bedroom door slammed open. Jolting me awake. "UNCLE NICKKK!!" A little girl ran in, unfazed that I was asleep, 𝘢𝘯𝘥 𝘤𝘰𝘮𝘧𝘰𝘳𝘵𝘢𝘣𝘭𝘦, might I add.

Jumping on the bed, and wrapping her tiny arms around me I quickly realized who it was. My niece, Adeline.  "Good morning uncle Nick! Daddy asked me to wake you up. He said to meet him in the tech room."

Adeline's parents were my bosses, the Don and Dona of the American mafia. "Morning Addy", I said groggily. She leaned into me for a hug and I happily returned it. "I'll be there in a second, let me get dressed." I told her, to which she replied with a smile, and made her way out of her room.

The house we live in is HUGE. It has at least ten spacious bedrooms, one of them being mine. I forgot to introduce myself, I'm Nico Anderson. My full name being Nicolas Lavern Anderson, the right-hand of Emilio Katz.

Rolling out of bed, I made my way to the closet grabbing black cargo pants, with a black tank top. After opening one of my drawers, I grabbed a pair of boxers too. With my hands full, I went to my walk-in bathroom to rinse off and get myself ready for the day.

When I was done, I headed for the tech room. It was on the second floor so I forced myself to climb the stairs.

Walking into a room lined with screens, computers, desks, cameras, and more, Emilio met me at the door.


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"Nico! Finally. I should've told Addy to say it was important!" Emilio exclaimed.

He motioned to one of the screens in the middle, being controlled by our hacker and friend Marcus. Stepping closer, trying to examine what I was observing I saw one of our buildings being roasted alive.

"Shit. I would've came faster if I knew. Who set it on fire Marcus?!" I asked, hoping they had already figured out who caused the destruction.

"I'm not sure... the cameras are all fried. It looks like Vincent Moore's work." Marcus replied.

Emilio butted into the conversation, shouting at me to make some calls and find out all the details. "Yes sir, I'll let you know as soon as I have something." I told Emilio. "Hurry! We don't have all fucking day Nico! This happened last night and no one was notified." He said back to me. I nodded and hurriedly reached for my phone in my pocket.

Running out, b-lining straight to my office I sat down at my desk and pulled out my laptop.

As I was typing in my password someone answered my phone call. "Jake! Head down to our club that got burned last night. I need you to get me all the information you can find!" I shouted, and he replied with a "Yes sir Nico."

I hung up on him and dialed our connection we have in the police, telling her to get me the report, seeing as it was all over the news on my laptop. After ending the call with her, I started to dig into files and search for anything on Vincent Moore. A long time enemy of my uncle's, Emilio's father.


An hour had passed, and I still couldn't get anything on this man. He was a 𝘨𝘩𝘰𝘴𝘵.

Sighing, I closed my laptop and walked out of my office. Email's and calls started to flood through as I sat down beside Marcus in the tech room. "You find anything?" I asked him, him replying with "I found that he has everything about him hidden!" Sarcastically.

"Me too."

"Do you think Kacey would be able to help me get through these firewalls? It's getting difficult alone." He asked me, frustration evident on his face.

"She might, I'll tell Emilio to ask her to come over." I told him, watching his body relax.

Kacey was Emilio's younger sister. She was a BEAST at hacking through any and everything. A technology wizard honestly. I wish I was that smart.

I left him alone in his thoughts, going to search for Emilio.

After twenty minutes of looking for him with no luck I sat down in the kitchen, eating a sandwich.

Miranda, our house maid, walked over to me and asked if she could help me with anything. "Have you seen Enzo?" (Emilio's nickname) "Yeah I have, he drove off to the main warehouse. Told me to tell you."

"Thanks Mandy" I said. Mandy was probably in her mid-to-late thirties, with green eyes and highlighted brown hair.

I opened the front door, grabbing my keys out of my pocket, I stepped into a blacked out 2022 McLaren 765 LT. Turning it on, I drove out of our driveway, coming to a halt at the gate. I pressed my finger to the keypad and it immediately unlocked, and waited for me to pass through. The second I drove across the sensors it beeped and began to shut. Gliding onto the road I sped off in the direction of our warehouse.


A call came through as I pulled into the warehouse parking lot. "Nico? It's Emilio. I talked to my dad about Vincent, I have new info." Enzo said.

Before he could tell me to come to the warehouse I cut him off and said, "I'm walking in now. Meet you in the office."

"Perfect." He replied with.

About fifteen minutes rolled by of him and his father debriefing me about our "𝘯𝘦𝘸" rival. I learned that he was actually their cousin, and hated us because Enzo's mom chose his father and not Vincent. 𝘎𝘳𝘦𝘢𝘵.

"Will he continue to attack us?" I asked, unsure since he's been dormant for years.

"More than likely. I don't know when he will though." Mr. Katz responded. He followed it by "I wouldn't worry too much about him until he does something again, for the time being, just continue as normal with extra alertness. It's what I did."

Okay so just pretend like he didn't burn our club and cost us thousands? Got it.

After a few more hours of talking strategy's and how to proceed we ended up figuring it out and heading home, with Mr. Katz's advice.

𝟏,𝟎𝟓𝟒 𝐰𝐨𝐫𝐝𝐬.

Hey guys! I just wanted to remind you that the story is now beginning to follow the plot. Events had to occur in order for it to move on, and people needed to be introduced. THEY WILL meet within the next five chapters and the story will start to change and become more interesting. Bare with me, you'll understand later! With all my love, the author. :))

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