Chapter 9: Catching up

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After I had taken pictures and did anything to get that guy in frame, I decided to sketch it out. He had this hair that was really uneven from the back, he had this short green cape that only seemed to cover his back. He wore black and khaki pants and brown boots.
Lastly, on his hands it seemed as if he had some kind of mechanical hand, it seemed as if that hand had some type of large claws.
He also had pointy ears like an elf and a really long tail? . . . Well that is what the killer looks like. His face wasn't seen but we could work with this, he is a short man with elf ears and a tail so it would be quite easy to identify him when we see him.
Maybe I should speak to the Chief about a plan I had in mind ever since.

I gathered all of this information into these documents so it would be organized. I kept them in my brief case and opened my door but when I did, this officer was standing right in front of it. I did get scared but I didn't really react. —"Detective..." He said looking at me. I could tell this was a rookie just by the way he came standing in front of my door. No, no, he isn't a rookie. I've seen this guy many times before. "Yes Officer, Petrov?" I said as I let him into my office. I set down my brief case and went to my seat. —"Detective... If I'm not mistaken, I heard that we have about a week off to stay in quarantine." He told me. I was actually shocked, I wasn't aware of this and I doubt my company told me. Even so, I am working with the Gwen Police until this case is over. How was I not aware?! "Petrov, when did the Chief announce this?" I asked him. —" Well, it wasn't really directed to you so it's up to you to keep working or not. But this was announced about 3 days back." He told me. That's right, I wasn't there that day... "I think I might know why I wasn't there. Thank you for telling me. I will work on the case from home though." I told the officer. Once I stood up he told me one more thing, —" Wait, other than that I was wondering if something outside of work would be possible!..." He told me.

I was a bit confused but then his actions became clear, he came close to me and pinned me against my desk. —"But I know a man with so much passion for their job wouldn't agree~ WHICH I just wouldn't like to tolerate~..." He said as he started to take off my coat by force, I wasn't letting him do any of that and I was really trying to get away from him. "Quit that!" I shouted, whatever else he started to do I felt even more uncomfortable, he pinned me on to the ground and maged to take my coat off. That's all he needed apparently. I wasn't going to let him get his way though, I was still trying to fight back and get away! But this guy just wouldn't let go of me. He bit down on my neck, I've never been into these kinds of things so it really did hurt.

I'm not sure, but isn't this a thing that predators do so that the prey would stop moving?! Whatever the case is, it worked.

Petrov had lifted me up to his arms and started to kiss me ... I knew what this was and I really did not want to be a victim. I just couldn't move though, it was hard for my body to move, But I knew that my body wasn't going to follow whatever he was going to do to me. He sat me down on the desk holding on to my leg, I rubbed off the saliva off my mouth. "Petrov! Whatever you'll do next just know that I will report this! I don't care if you do it here or some other place! You will be going to jail!" I shouted at him. Petrov giggled and rolled his eyes. Why is he taking this as a game!? If I hadn't set my case so far away from me, i could have hurt him with my taser. This was escalating too quickly for me, I didn't want to take off my clothes here nor take them off at all! I don't want this to happen! I don't even know this man! Seriously, at that moment I didn't know what to feel I was just really scared to know what would happen next. Then I knew what could happen next, I tried to get away but he grabbed me again and this time was pressing himself against me, "QUIT IT! STOP IT!" I shouted with desperation, he just started to laugh?! I didn't want this!.... "NO PETROV! NO DON'T DO THIS!" I cried to him but..

He did. He didn't listen to me and just did what he wanted. I was left crying as he just moved inside of me.

After a few minutes he finally finished, but he was disgusting enough to remove the condom, —"I still had some trouble getting you to do this with me... But it was worth it~ Beom-Seong~ Detective my darling, you don't know how much I love you~... It sure took me some time to finally realize the best way to fuck you. But it was in my face all the time~"
He told me, all those dirty words made me hate him. I've never had hatred for anyone but he is the first one to be hated! To be despised by me. "You disgusting PIG! How dare you do this to me?..." I said as I started to cry again.
—"But detective!~ How can I NOT fuck someone as beautiful as you~? You and I are just meant to be! We will be stuck together forever!" He said as he came closer to me. He kissed me once again and started to touch me again. I just stood there all stupid not knowing how to move, I don't know what this feeling was but it– it felt as if I couldn't hold it in... He really was getting the best of my body but never my feelings. —"Wow~ Well aren't you all cute and sensitive. You are so cute~" He said to me. I really wanted this guy away from me I just couldn't with anything else, I don't want him to touch me anymore. The clock strikes 9:50. I really just want to go home!
I've had enough... I grabbed a pencil off my desk and stabbed it as hard as I could on his stomach. Not too hurtful but it hurts somewhat. I quickly put my clothes on and took my coat and brief case. I ran away from there and went to my car.

All of what happened... Just today, will I ever forget it?! I don't want this to haunt me...
I finally found my car and rummaged through my bag and pockets. Suddenly I got pinned against the car, it was Petrov again. —"I don't think I'm done with YOU!" He shouted. He started to pull me but I was trying to push him away, he was trying to kiss me again! I kept on shouting for him to stop but he just wouldn't. He wouldn't let go of me by any means. —"Just let YOURSELF! You god damn SLUT!" I kicked him in the middle and then punched him in the face. My force wasn't enough though...He stood right back on his feet before I could open the door or run away. He tried to kiss me again But suddenly, he started to cough out blood. It seemed as if he was then thrown on to the ground.

—"Beom-Seongie!" A very familiar voice said. "Y-you ..." —"Don't worry about me nor him. He's still very much alive if I killed him I could have killed you too,"
He said in a much deeper voice. Yes, it was that caller. —"This is the only time I'm sparing the both of you, otherwise you both would be my meal. I want to see how fun things get when you've found out who I am and WHAT I AM." He said. Seeing the killer up close is .... "Wait." I said to him. He looked confused in a way but kept this smile on his face. I pulled out my gun and shot Petrov over 6 times. The killer was shocked, he had his mouth wide open. He slowly looked up at me and started to smile even wider than before.

"I want to work with you." I said.

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 03 ⏰

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