Chapter 4: Leading to a forest

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After the horrible news that we had to find out about we were now taking a break. I didn't want to rest on a case but I was forced to by my own boss.
I really take this case extremely seriously, I take matters into my own hands. There's no time for rest when it comes to poor innocent people dying out there in the real world. From what I got, in the past few deaths this killer takes away items from those he killed. I am not quite sure why but I really don't care, if he's keeping these items then it's useless if not then it's worth something for the most part.

I remembered something, there was this lady who was on the news about some months ago, if I could get a reach to her it would help me out a lot. Whilst I grabbed my donut and journals I headed out of my office.

it was a bad idea to put this donut in my mouth. It was breaking and I was afraid it would fall on the ground. I was so worried about my food that I wasn't looking straight ahead. Then it happened, my donut fell out of my mouth and onto someones chest. I looked up to who wanted to get my donut from me.

"Min Seunbin?" I questioned why he was at my office. —"I apologize, Beom-Seong! I was looking for you ... And I just thought I would come here and tell you personally."

I could forgive him. He's lucky he's got that cute face on, but he still owes me a donut.

"What are you so worked up about?" I asked him with actual concern. I helped him stand up and looked at him, I could tell he was having some trouble talking so I sat him down without making eye contact. —"It's something really urgent, it's really weird but I've also been helping you out with the case you're working on! I'm so sorry Beom-Seong but I was just really curious on what you were working on. Believe me I respect your privacy and I mean it! I just couldn't help seeing you so frustrated about it..."
Seunbin explained to me. "It's alright, as long as you didn't remove anything from it's place I'm alright with it." I assured him.

"Is there anything you found about then?" I asked him. —"Oh yes I did! That's what I wanted to tell you! But um... I heard you were taking a break from this?" "Nonsense, show me what you've found, I don't rest when it comes to new clues." Seunbin and I got out of the office building. "You took the bus to come here?" —" oh...haha~ I actually did..." It was alright, I let him drive my car so he would take me to where he found possible clues leading to the cannibal we have been chasing.

[The Forest]

A forest is where we drove at. —"My car is right there. I'm sorry, I panicked and I knew I couldn't take the steering wheel, my therapist told me." "Don't worry, you don't have to apologize to me, it's a good thing that you remembered what you were told." I said, comforting Seunbin. I could see a sweet little smile appearing on his face.
I then got out of the car. Whilst I looked around I could tell nothing sketchy could be happening OUTSIDE of the forest but once we go inside I'll be sure to keep both of my eyes open. "Lead me to where you saw this horrific scene". Seunbin and I went inside, he stood behind as I told him, I walked in front of him with my gun in my hands. Seunbin kept directing me until we got to where he had seen a dead body. Yes, there were traces of a fresh dead body being here but even so more disturbing was the fact that there was a message written on the ground with human bones.

"STAY AWAY" Was written down.

The other thing that was on the ground was a skull with blood all over it. It's not my first time I see bones and blood, but I think this might just be my first time seeing a message written with bones. "Thank you for letting me know, Seunbin. I'll be sure to report this to the agency. Again, thank you very much." —"Of course"
I put on latex gloves and gently picked up the skull with care. This can truly give us a huge advantage. I also took a picture of the message on the ground before anything else. "Anything else you recall seeing or hearing, Seunbin?" I asked. He shook his head no. After I had picked up the skull I put it in a plastic bag.
—"if you don't mind me asking," Seunbin said as he got closer to me. —"How exactly can you analyze the body by just bones? Isn't that another persons job?" "Of course it is, I don't do that job. When we find weapons or for example, these bones, we take them to specialist like the Forensic pathologists." —"i know stupid question... But good to know! Umm, also, I think we should wrap this up. It's getting late Beom-Seong." Seunbin worriedly said.
"I can lead you to the car if you're getting too scared." —"What!? No! I would be even more scared to be alone! Come on let's just go back." "Seunbin I have to take deaths seriously! Just imagine if this skull and these bones were to actually belong to one of our friends!" silence was louder than us.

I understand my mistake but I really take things seriously. Who am I kidding? I shouldn't have mentioned anyone. I shouldn't have said it like that, at least. "Listen I'm sorry, I didn't–"
—"No. Shut up! You're saying that because of Nick? Nick did not die for you to put him as an example! I bet if you were to be dead and I were to be the detective I WOULD NOT mention any of my dead friend's name! Beom-Seong, for all means if you really want to protect me how about you do it without making me feel worried?! I don't even know what you meant with that! Are you saying I could die at any given moment if I don't take things 'sErIoUsLy'?"
He lashed out with pure anger.
No, those weren't my words.. I wasn't trying to put anyone's name in my mouth but it did sound like that.
"No, you're not going to die." —"as if that helps!"
"Listen! What I meant is that I'm here to work and if I work I can get closer to finding out who this mass murderer is! If I don't fulfill my own duties then no one would have hope in me! No one ever took Juro seriously because he worried about it WITHOUT explaining WHY it's an urgent thing to take care of! And I, I'm taking it more seriously, I'm showing everyone that I care about their safety and that I want to catch this murderer! Do you understand me?..." —"no, I don't get it. You make yourself sound like this awesome hero that everyone should love!" Seunbin answered me, he replied with a mocking tone.

—"You're making Nick sound like this person who never deserved anything. Does that make your ego full? Does your ego need more compliments?" I sighed in frustration, "that is not what I'm trying to say!" I lashed out finally letting go of the bag and throwing it on the ground, I pushed Seunbin and the ground and with all my force I kicked him in the face with my boots. "YOU'RE the one who's jealous of my success!" I said as I then went on his level and slammed him on the ground to punch him in the face. "Since you're so jealous of me why don't you go ahead and get a job! You're lucky that I let you live with me because I worry about you!" I shouted to his face. "It's surprising, you know? You haven't killed yourself nor slit your wrists in quite a while." Before standing up I slapped him in the face, I stood up and gave him a kick.

—"*sob sob*" Seunbin started to cry.
—"y-you're crazy! You're so fucking crazy! I hate you!" He shouted as he picked himself up. "Me? Crazy? HAH! The crazy one is you! You were the one trying to hang yourself, blow your brains, and jump off a building and a BRIDGE! BUT I'M THE CRAZY ONE?!"
I pulled out my gun and fired a bullet.

How will he ever forgive me? Thankfully I didn't shoot him.
"We'll speak about this when we get home." —"...y-you nearly killed me..." I stood quietly and stared at him, I looked down out the ground. The bullet was too close at the top of his head.
"Forgive me please." I helped Seunbin get up. I couldn't believe myself, I hurt my best friend and nearly killed him. What the hell is wrong with me. I can't be stressed out, I've never been stressed out before. "Can you walk?" —"hmmph..."

Once we were at the car I pulled out a First-aid kit from the back of my seat. "Let me fix your wounds." I asked Seunbin. —"I would rather a doctor touch me instead of you." "Seunbin, I really mean it. Please let me show you that you truly mean a lot to me. I never wanted to hurt you, I promise you, I don't ever resort to violence and you know that!" ... My words did not help, Seunbin looked away from me not allowing me to cure him. Then Seunbin got out of the car in such a hurry. *Sigh* if only he understood. I felt as if my body wasn't my body at that moment.
I got out of the car and chased after Seunbin, I managed to reach him. He then quickly turned around, —"Beom-Seong! He's here!" "Wait, who?!" —"The killer!" He wasn't joking, the killer is here.

We both turned around slowly and saw him. With those glowing yellow eyes.

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