Chapter 8: Back to Square one

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If it wasn't that wolf man then who was it?
This is insane, I don't know why anyone would come here every day just to slaughter and get back to their own place.
Why would anyone kill. Is it really not Weixiu? Why was he speaking all of that nonsense back at the forest... Why did he say he targeted specific types of people!? Who is responsible for this?....

While I was gone for all of those days... There's been more tragedies. We were now forced to go into quarantine. The government would not let anyone leave their homes anymore at night. Every work place closes as early as 8pm. I'm the worst detective ever...

*Ring ring* That was my phone. The number was marked unknown but I still answered.
"Hello?" There was screeching in the back and static.

Suddenly my blood ran cold when I heard Shoutes beginning to become more visible to my ears.

Then a voice called out...

-"Detective Beom-Seongie~." it said.
"Who is this!? What kind of fucking joke is this?!"
-"*gasp* No curse words! There are children with me, we wouldn't want them to repeat those God awful words!"
That guy has a tone that I recognize, such a mockery. "How about you tell me who you are you bastard..." I demanded as I stood up.
-"You make me blush, detective~ unfortunately I can't do that. The game would be too easy, so I'll give you a hint though!" "Enough with this lousy phone call!" The called laughed and then he said one last thing. -"It's a shame you won't be able to find love anymore, at least with the person you liked." LIKED!? The call ended, who was this person... No,what the hell did they mean!? 'The person I liked!?' ...

The person I like . . .

I quickly dropped everything and opened my office door, I started to run to the stairs. I took the turn to Seunbin's room and tried to open it. But it was locked.

He never does this? Why would he lock it now... What's going on? Why am I so anxious... What if...


. . . there was no answer

I started to kick the door, I managed to kick the door open, when I looked inside Seunbin was there. . . Looking at me in a heartbreaking way.


... He hung himself...
And it's all my fault...
Even his poor wrists and neck are hurt...
All because of me...

[Breaking The News]:

After the body was removed from my house I stayed with the people until they took Seunbin's body out of my view. A funeral was definitely going to be made, I then called his parents to inform them about what had just occured. They immediately broke out into tears.

I feel so guilty... This happened because of me, if that guy just didn't decide to do all of that magical shit I would still be with Seunbin. Now, he's gone forever.
"Seunbin..." I sighed with sadness, I want to blame other people but I know that this is all my fault.

The next day I attended Seunbin's funeral ceremony. It's just like Juro's case all over again. Am I really going to have to live this every time one of my friends die?
I looked at his face one last time, I started to cry just looking at his scars on his neck because this is all my fault.
Once we were all outside in the graveyard we watched as they put his casket in the ground and started to burry it.
I stood there for the longest until the sun started to set, —"Detective,"
Someone said from behind me, it was one of Seunbin's cousins. —"I just wanted to tell you a few things about Seunbin." He said, I turned around to be able to see him.

I was met with a punch to the face, I stumbled backwards but I tried not to fall,even so that little boy grabbed me away from near Seunbin's tombstone and brought me down to the ground.
—"THIS IS ALL YOUR FAULT YOU FUCKING PIECE OF SHIT! IF YOU HADN'T TOLD MY COUSIN TO KILL HIMSELF MAYBE HE WOULD STILL HAVE BEEN HERE TO SEE ME GRADUATE!" He shouted. I stood on the ground just looking down ... "Yes I did." I said with a serious tone. Without holding back he threw himself at me and started to punch me in the face. —"AND YOU'RE PROUD!? SO WILL I THEN!!! I'LL FUCKING KILL YOU IF YOU WON'T DO IT YOURSELF!  I'LL MAKE SURE TO–" I punched that little boy in the mouth as he started to get weaker with his punches. I kicked off of me. He started to cry on the ground while saying stuff through his crying act. 
"You're just a little boy, you don't know anything about death or murder. You'd be brought to a death sentence if you were to kill an agent like me." I said, as I picked myself up, "I understand your loss, but if I were to tell you what happened between me and him you wouldn't understand nor believe me because you want to blame the person he was last with is the killer."
He stood on the ground crying, like I said. He's just a little boy, he will soon understand.

[The Next week; In the Office]:

—"Any reports on this killer?" —"None at all chief."
A new chief has been recruited at the Gwen Police department, this man was more hardworking and did everything possible to finish this cannibal. I was just sitting inside of my office looking through the last reported murders from last week. It's no use to stay in quarantine, apparently there were murders in 3 homes and in 7 apartments, out of all of those homes there were 27 dead bodies. All together in the whole week, 89 dead bodies.
This man is crazy, whatever his goal is I'm afraid that sooner or later he might move to a different country. *KNOCK KNOCK* I got startled, I sighed and went to open my door. But no one was there, I thought this was a prank but how would this be possible? The corridor is so long to get away from the view, not to mention we're grown men, who would be this childish? I sighed in frustration and went back to my seat after I finished locking my door.

I continued looking through a website where all reports were anonymous but still really helpful. I came across a website that showed a video. The website is something I shouldn't be accessing in work equipment. I pulled out my laptop and went to that website, when I did it brought me to this site full of gore videos.
"Why is this even a thing?" I was genuinely concerned for the people who put videos there and commented. But the video was what I was looking for, "A cannibal eating someone outside my window" Was the title of that video. I played that video and it clearly showed what it stated, this is exactly what I've been looking for! Those streets are from Juro's home, that means that this is OUR cannibal we've been looking for!

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