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"Found you"

Those words repeated over and over again as I was practically dragged down the stairs by Harry his grip on me certainly tight enough to cause bruising before he shoved me down another set of stairs that I didn't see, my body hitting each step as it went down, a grunt leaving my lips as I finally hit the concrete at the bottom realising this must be the basement...

Harry carelessly opened the door "crawl" he demanded his face contorted with pure hatred as I began crawling in the direction of my suffering. Harry then firmly grabbed me by the wrists pulling me up and shoving me into the chair, my wrists being tied down by leather straps my eyes filled with terror.

"You really took us on a wild goose chase huh."

He spoke staring down at me. "What do you have to say for yourself?" His questioned reverberated off of the walls as he stared at me "it was fun." I smiled, Harry's face dropping— his anger becoming fury before he without even hesitating lifted a hand and slapped me. It was so abrupt that I didn't quite know what had happened. My cheek ached slightly skin growing tender as I furrowed my brows

"Fun was it? Huh. Sweetheart you cannot behave yourself. Can you? You need someone to keep you in line don't you?"

I glared at him breathing heavily through my nostrils.

"You need to learn who is in control."

He spoke before picking up a metal object, sharp and cold— the teeth on it jagged and awaiting to welcome my flesh into it. Hungry and desperate for the metallic taste of blood...

He brought the tip of the knife close to my cheek pressing it lightly against my skin "what do you say?" He asked my brows arching slightly. "Cat got your tongue Amber? What do you say?"

"I'm sorry."


He spoke slicing the tip of the knife against my cheek, crimson red blood trickling from just underneath my eye and dripping down my cheek my breath shaking, adrenaline making the pain lesser than it was.

"What do you say?"

He repositions the knife to lay it across my throat forcing my head to lean backwards


I panted, the knife digging into my skin "all it takes it one movement Amber and I can have you kil—"

"Thank you!"

The two words left my lips desperately Harry smirking slightly before he tightened his grip on the handle of the knife the tip of the knife diving into my flesh little by little tears springing to my eyes from the pain.

"Thank you"

Thank you

Left my lips about twenty more times before eventually Harry had retracted the knife and set it down on the table. He could've done a lot lot worse but he didn't... he had left small and minor cuts against my skin but not too many.

He soon un-cuffed me yet again but he froze momentarily, eyes locked onto my wrist, my brows furrowing slightly "what?" I whisper worriedly.

"What?" He questions finally glancing back at me before shaking his head not responding, instead helping me stand up and leading me upstairs again blood dripping from my small wounds "Niall take her for her shower. That way she can apologise to you. Louis clean up for me would you."

Niall walked over to me silently his hand grasping onto my bicep as he lead me towards the shower— opening the door as he lightly nudged me in, following in behind me. "Get in the shower. It'll sting but it's good for you." He spoke barely looking at me. I exhale looking at him "Niall..." he glanced at me "yeah?"

"I'm sorry."

He only nodded accepting my apology silently before I stepped into the glass shower, removing my clothes and standing under the water that was cold for a few moments before it warmed up. The water stung my skin but I barely reacted, wincing every so often before I became used to it. I washed my hair vigorously washing it as much as I could until the smell of apples and strawberries were floating around the bathroom.

A few hours had passed and I was now back down in this cell of mine, I was dressed in a grey sweatshirt that smelt of cologne. Harry's cologne.

The sweatshirt covered my wounds perfectly. Zayn had come down and put some bandages on my wounds but he didn't seem to be the talkative type. Or maybe it was just me.

I was laid down my breathing soft before I exhaled closing my eyes attempting to sleep. I needed the rest. If I didn't rest up then I would do something stupid.

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