Chapter 29: Hypocrites

Start from the beginning

Jurian looked like he was checking his weapons on his belt before running into battle. "I'll be right back—"

"Oh, no you don't," Miryam grabbed him by the collar and forced him to step back. "We're going together. All together. Okay?"

I wanted to tell her how different the reality was from our plans. Gods, the plans we made in case this day came. Drunken nights laughing about absurd ideas, promising with tears to be there for each other in the end.

I nodded, though, and steadied my shaking nerves as Jurian started walking in a straight path in the direction I pointed. Miryam gave me a worried look, as if asking if I really wanted this. To be honest, I just wanted to see what Jurian had planned.

The crowd split after enough pushing, and I heard the unique roar of Cassian's laughter accompanied by a deep, quiet chuckle. My feet stopped moving in an instant. I don't know why my heart started pounding, or why I could suddenly smell the linger of smoke and tobacco and whisky and blood. I could only notice how his pulse quickened in time with mine, like he felt the same—like he knew where I was. It was strange, disturbing.

I shook my head free as Cassian walked over and wrapped an arm around my shoulder, saying rather loudly, "Arcitta, I'd like to introduce you to my brother—who's hiding in his shell right now, but hopefully not for long. You'll like him. He's just as broody as you."

I wanted to tell him I wasn't broody, but that would mean breathing and speaking, which were things I currently couldn't do. Breathing meant inhaling that scent. Speaking meant tasting it. All things impossible to do.

I couldn't get out of the strong Illyrian's hold and gave up before I'd trip and fall. I let him lead me the few steps to his target, who looked as uncomfortable as I was.

He took a deep breath and looked me over like he was seeing me for the first time—which he was, kind of. I didn't want to hear him talk, tried to drown it out the best I could. But it was impossible.

Slowly, with the soft hesitation reserved for glass, he spoke, "You... you look good."

I arched a brow, not at his words, but at my feelings. I felt nothing I expected. Instead of the pain and sadness I expected, an overwhelming sickness hit me. It felt like a hurricane started in my stomach, which was making my throat close and my heart quicken. I didn't want him to speak—not out of fear, but because I may actually throw up if I hear his voice.

Cassian looked at the shadowsinger, confused, and laughed it off. Before I could get a word in though, Jurian appeared. It took just a few seconds after Azriel's words for Jurian to run up and send a fist into the shadowsinger's jaw.

We all knew the Illyrian barely felt it, that he could brush it off easily. But he didn't. He let the punch land, let the impact send him to the ground.

Jurian stood over his body and then got on one knee so he could begin punching the shadowsinger with no pause. Blood splattered, and pain was definitely felt—on both sides.

I was surprised it could go on for so long before Cassian hauled Jurian up. The surprise must've caught Cassian like a fish out of water.

Fists dripping with Illyrian blood that stuck to his face, panting with fury in his eyes, Jurian still tried getting out of Cassian's hold. The shadowsinger spat blood onto the dirt and rubbed his broken nose, snapping it back into place in time for the healing to get to work. He sat up and tried to speak, but Jurian cut him off with a shout.

"Get the fuck out of here before I kill you. I mean it, you don't get to just show up and pretend everything is fine—you fucking animal."

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